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Does anyone know of a good alternative to sway notification center? The notifications list has become annoying to use recently, and the dev doesn't know how to fix the accessibility issue. I know about ednc-mode in emacs, but that's not exactly ideal. I'd like something I can open with a binding and view a list of notifications. I've tried to use xfce4-notifyd which does work, but because the notification is a window, focus keeps getting jumped to it every time there's a new notification, which also isn't ideal. #Linux #accessibility
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to destructatron

SwayNotificationCenter had too many issues for me as well. It is a nice idea, but it needs much more work.

I have been happily using mako ( With a bit of scripting, I have made it completely keyboard accessible under sway.…

in reply to Wielding Logic

@wielding Is it accessible with the orca screen reader though? If it's made in a toolkit that isn't presenting its accessibility tree to at-spi, it's completely inaccessible. GTK and QT do this automatically, but I'm pretty sure that particular daemon is made using something else.