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So now I have accounts on all these various social and quasi-social and para-social networks.

One thing I notice is that with all the major platforms, there are many users cheerleading that platform. Go Fediverse! Yay Spoutible! Woohoo Bluesky!

EXCEPT Twitter. Literally no one is on Twitter cheerleading it. There are people hunkering down grimly to defend their territory from harassment, but no one there is cheerleading or promoting it.


in reply to Mother Bones

Because #Bluesky requires an app and I won't install apps on my phone, I'm running it on an Android #emulator on my desktop.
I refuse to get a Tiktok account, but I will view individual Tiktoks.
I never got a Hive account because of the whole app thing and even more flimsy BS structure than most.
I've had a FB account since the early days when it was for colleges only, but I only log in a couple times a year for work. NEVER used the app.
This entry was edited (11 months ago)
in reply to Mother Bones

I don't know if anyone's cheerleading FB but I seriously doubt it. The same clinging to termite-riddled flotsam vibes as Twitter in that regard.


This entry was edited (11 months ago)
in reply to Mother Bones

I have my foot in many but I don't trust any of them any further than I as an individual can throw them.

At least with the Fediverse your account is kind of a modular homemade item that you can take home with you if the play gets too rough or threatening.


This entry was edited (11 months ago)
in reply to Mother Bones

Right now the #Fediverse feels like a treehouse village full of ewok scientists, #Bluesky feels like the first week of senior year at a gifted college where everyone's doing amphetamines and no teachers are around, and #Twitter feels like a once-popular neighborhood playground where the tarmac is crumbling, it's always twilight, some of your friends are still clustered nervously near the edges, and crowds of bullies are moshing in the center.
This entry was edited (11 months ago)
in reply to Mother Bones

Just in case anyone is lonely and needs to find their Twitter friends #OnHere , #Fedifinder is up and running again!
