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When using #hashtags, I do understand they can cause issues for the visually impaired who are using #ScreenReaders. This is why I always use #camelCase or #PascalCase in all my hashtags. I have heard some users of screen readers say that putting all the hashtags at the end of a post is preferred. Is it because of the way readers work? I guess the reader might say "number" or "pound sign" in front of every hashtag, which could be awkward if there are a lot of them inline. #Accessibility
in reply to Kenneth J. Jaeger

as a #ScreenReader user myself, I'm happier if they are used inline when they make sense in the sentence. If you're talking about #Accessibility and want to tag it, that works. What causes the most issues I think are a long series of hashtags which, if they aren't at the end of a post, we have to listen through to know if there's more to hear.
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo Yeah, inline is good within reason and only if it makes sense, otherwise after the body text. Putting them at the start is a quick way to be muted.
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo Depends on discussion. If I'm talking about #accessibility and put the hashtag there, yes. But if the text has more than 2-3 hashtag in same sentence, it may sound quite unfriendly. Not pleasant to read "I am working on hashtag WordPress to improve its hashtag accessibility as I find hashtag diversity and hashtag inclusion an essential value for civilized hashtag society..."
in reply to Elena Brescacin

@talksina @cachondo i personally don't see anything wrong with this. I'd rather hashtags be inline than all stacked at the end, especially if some of the hashtagged words are already in the post.
in reply to aaron

@fireborn @talksina There's surely a balance, though. Some people add tens of tags. It gets crazy if those are inline. If they are all meaningful words with just the octothorp and you hold off on your keywords for indexing or searches at the end, I think that's the best choice.
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo @talksina If they're just for adding keywords to find the post by then putting them at the end makes sence.
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo @fireborn @talksina I have to admit, I do sometimes try to work an extra tag or two into the middle of a post, but if they don't really fit, I will put them at the end. I just don't like having a big pile of #hashtags at the end of a post. It starts to feel like #HashtagSpam (if that is a thing).