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We've had great feedback on our recent In-Process article on creating portable copies of NVDA. A lot of people use them for testing out beta's of new versions, particularly 2024.1. Have you been trying the 2024.1 betas, and do you use a portable version to do it? If you'd like to find out more, check out our article here:

#NVDA #NVDAsr #Testing #Beta #NewVersion #PreRelease #Accessibility

David Goldfield reshared this.

in reply to NV Access

I use a portable copy to test alphas. I used to install them as my primary copy as I wanted to live dangerously or something. Not recommended, Kids.
in reply to Kara Goldfinch

@KaraLG84 I used to run Windows insider builds on my primary machine for the same reason.... I gave up on insiders as I got sick of having to reinstall windows at least weekly :D It did help run with a slimmer suite of programs as "standard" though!