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Australian Story was amazing! We loved filming it and we are so grateful to share the story behind NVDA. If you missed the episode it is available on ABC iView here: or on YouTube:

Audio Description enabled version:
Non audio described version:

Thank you everyone!
#AustralianStory #NVDA #NVAccess #AccessibleTechnology #ScreenReader #A11y #Accessibility

in reply to NV Access

We’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for your continued support & input. It’s with your help that NVDA impacts lives across the globe. There are many more blind or visually impaired people who need our help globally. We rely on donations to help keep delivering our users uncompromising, quality, and updated software. You can help us continue our mission by donating at

Thank you everyone!
#AustralianStory #NVDA #NVAccess #ScreenReader #A11y #Accessibility

in reply to NV Access

Good as NVDA is, I wish that simple thing of reading the address bar in Chrome could be addressed when you open the browser. That's a problem that's been with NVDA for ever.
in reply to TalkingDroid

@TalkingDroid It would be worth creating an issue on requesting it. In the meantime, if you use Firefox and the Mozilla App Enhancements add-on, you can press NVDA+A to read the current page URL
in reply to NV Access

I’m really struggling to think of a time when I would like to know the address without actually just going there with @TalkingDroid
in reply to NV Access

I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about when you open Chrome and NVDA is just silent. It doesn't even read the edit area of the address bar to tell you you've even opened the browser. Should have been fixed years ago. Even Narrator does that.
in reply to NV Access

Big apology, looks like it has been fixed. Tha one passed me by. I just ran NVDA, and what do ya know, it's reading the address bar now.