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We had a question from someone asking, what Mastodon client for Windows do people use which is accessible with NVDA. I thought here might be the perfect place to post that question? What do YOU use, or how do you access Mastodon on PC? Please let us know!

#NVDA #NVDAsr #Software #Recommendation #WhatDoYouUse #Accessibility #A11y

David Goldfield reshared this.

in reply to NV Access

I personally use tweesecake, but that is because I don't wanna use a web site, and I don't know what is out there that is actulaly accessible other than something like tweesecake or TWBlue.
in reply to NV Access
in reply to NV Access

I use TweeseCake but most people I know use TwBlue.
in reply to NV Access

I am using #tweesecake, its pretty nice besides some weird behaviour with the buffers or stuff I am not used to but in general its good. The other one I know would be tw blue but people say the menu is a bit broken right now and I didn't really got used to it either.
in reply to NV Access

@NVAccess I also use Tweesecake for Windows but TWBlue is another accessible Windows client.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to NV Access

@NVAccess I use TweeseCake mainly, but when TweeseCake refuses to behave because it's TweeseCake, I use
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to NV Access

I personally use Semaphore, a client that runs inside a web browser, and it works especially well if you set NVDA not to automatically load pages in browse mode.
in reply to NV Access

I'd love to see these options highlighted in a future IN-Process. It might motivate more people to investigate Mastodon.
in reply to David Goldfield

@DavidGoldfield Definitely! I did originally ask the question for a user, but you are right, very useful information
in reply to NV Access

Tweesecake because it is not just for mastodon and also offers amazing telegram support and web radio from the app itself.
in reply to NV Access

Semaphore here. I'm known for a bias towards web aps for various reasons, but Semaphore truly is a delight to use, which is more than I can say for some other web apps (Gmail, etc.) even though I use them daily.
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh Wasn't Semaphor abandoned or something? Or was that a different web-based Mastodon client?
in reply to NV Access

Tweesecake, mostly because I like a screenless interface. I've tried Semaphor before, too, and was impressed.
in reply to Alex Hall

@alexhall I'd love to see a Windows client for Mastodon with more frequent updates. However, that might require the app not being free of cost or a subscription and I don't know how many users would be open to that. @MonaApp I would gladly pay an additional fee for an accessible Mastodon client for Windows. Some users might not agree with this but if it received regular updates I'd even subscribe to it as a service.
in reply to David Goldfield

@DavidGoldfield @alexhall @MonaApp I would very happily pay a subscription for a Windows client accessible Windows app - Love to support faster development but my sole use is on Windows laptop/desktop
in reply to NV Access

The derivatives of Pinafore are good, Semaphore/Enafore. TW Blue is also good.
in reply to NV Access

I personally prefer TwBlue. But mainly use mastodon on my phone.
in reply to NV Access

TWBlue, or just the web interface for some specific tasks
in reply to NV Access

I use TWBlue myself, but alot of people use TweeseCake.
in reply to NV Access

Enafore. Aside from some weirdness with focusing on dialogues, it's the best one out there
in reply to NV Access

After 12 hours or so, the reponses at this stage are:

Tweesecake 16
TW Blue 13
Enafore 8
Semaphone 6

If you'd like to try any of those options, I *think* these are the right addresses:


TW Blue:



This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to NV Access

in the end, enafore, semaphore and Pinafore are just the same site with different names.
in reply to NV Access

TweezCake is my go to and works very nicely. I'm wondering when / if someone will add Bluesky Support
in reply to NV Access

Love Enafore! I used to use pinafore back in the day, this fork seems to get updates faster. It supports post editing for instance.
in reply to NV Access

I use TweeseCake because it also works with Telegram. TWBlue is pretty cool too though.
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NV Access
@carlospianista3 Thank you! - I've updated the link in that original post.