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Given #Google's unwavering support for #Israel and its genocidal apparatus, I am thinking of starting to transition out of its ecosystem.

It's gonna be challenging, primarily because I use an Android smartphone, and because I have been using a Gmail account for ages.

I welcome your tips!


in reply to GH Ogawa

Its first article is already 10 years old, but the general advice still valid: you might wish to take a look at my Android-without-Google series at – and consider F-Droid as replacement for PlayStore – be welcome to also add the IzzyOnDroid repo to it for a larger selection of apps (F-Droid: > 4k apps, IoD: > 1k apps).

For mail, e.g. is a good choice (incl. cloud, office & more).

in reply to GH Ogawa

#grapheneos for the phone
#nextcloud for whole google workspace replacement For google photos replacement

I use proton for email, but I’m not sure if it’s the best. Maybe @Tutanota is better

in reply to Miron

@hmiron If you ask us, Tuta Mail is much better: encrypts more data, has the app on F-Droid without Google Push, uses renewable energy. Any further questions, let us know. ;)
in reply to Tuta

@Tutanota @hmiron On the other side, you lack IMAP/SMTP access (the Proton bridge is amazing) and don't use standards like GnuPG (yes, this is a complicated and often heated topic, but I personally prefer to use existing standards and push them forward rather than developing in essence a custom solution for the same problem).