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Items tagged with: Google

LLMs are energy intensive to train which goes against our goal of being a #green & climate friendly company. Both #Google & #Microsoft threw out their environmental goals this year because of this. (…)

#Google #customer reviews are also increasingly being screwed up by #LLM. At a pharmacy: 5 stars for "nice and cosy living."
Why go on holiday far away when your local pharmacy rents a bed in the tablet depot?! 🥳

#holidays #FiveStarHotels #hotels #enshittification

Reply to Google Now Defaults to Not Indexing Your Content by Vincent Schmalbach

Selectivity is long overdue. Marginalia, Stract, and Teclis feel like a breath of fresh air for broad short-tail queries because they downrank or skip pages full of ads, trackers, scripts, and even SEO. However, Google’s selectivity can’t penalise such criteria as that would conflict with its ad business.

Google has a bias against new sites. This makes sense, given their spam potential. I disagree with your argument that a bias against new sites is a pivot away from Experience, Expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (EEAT): it takes time for a website to become an authority and earn trust. If delayed indexing of new sites is wrong, then the problem lies with EEAT. I argue that EEAT is a good framework for an answer-focused engine, but a bad framework for a discovery- or surfing-focused engine like Marginalia or Wiby, respectively.

Originally posted on See Original (POSSE). #Google #SearchEngines

Any #Google docs/sheets fans who can use them productively with a screen reader? Please share any tips. I know it can be done, but personally I think it's very annoying to use especially on Mac. Usually, I grudgingly participate, but a disability related working group I just joined uses Google docs/sheets to collaborate. Is there any other alternative solution for document collaboration that's more accessible? #accessibility #ScreenReader #GoogleDocs

Leute, wenn ihr eure Privatsphäre wenigstens ein bisschen schützen wollt, dann benutzt Werbe- und Trackingblocker [3]. Gegen solche Szenarien wie »Databroker Files« [2] kann man sich schon relativ einfach schützen. [1] 👇


#tracking #dsgvo #advertisingid #google #apple #android #ios

»Firma verschleudert 3,6 Milliarden Standorte von Menschen in Deutschland«. Seit Jahren erwähne ich in fast jedem Artikel, in dem es um Tracking und Android-Apps geht, dass die Google Advertising-ID ein personenbeziehbares Datum ist. Dies wurde nun erneut eindrucksvoll bewiesen. 👇

Weg aus der Misere: Verwendet googlefreie Systeme wie #GrapheneOS und nutzt Werbe- und Trackingblocker.……

#tracking #dsgvo #advertisingid #google #apple #android #ios

+1 reason why you must stop using Chrome and, if possible, Chromium browsers

(Upd: link to a post in Fediverse with tech details…)

(Upd 2: MS Edge and Arc browsers seems to have this issue; #Vivaldi also has it but it can be disabled; Ungoogled Chromium doesn't have it at all)

#Privacy #Tech #Technology #Browser #Chrome #Chromium #Firefox #Google #BigTech

It turns out Google Chrome ships a default, hidden extension that allows code on `*` access to private APIs, including your current CPU usage

You can test it out by pasting the following into your Chrome DevTools console on any Google page:

{ method: "cpu.getInfo" },
(response) => {
console.log(JSON.stringify(response, null, 2));

More notes here:…

Computer hardware maker #Zotac exposed customers' RMA info on Google Search

Misconfiguration of permissions folders holding customer info related to RMAs have been indexed by search engines like #Google. As a result, it has shown up on SERPs.

Information leaked includes invoices, addresses, and contact information.

Fun fact: Security Misconfiguration is number 6 on the OWASP Top 10 Web app Security Risks.

#databreach #security #cybersecurity…

🔥🚨 #AI energy consumption keeps rising so #Google drops claims of being carbon neutral.

At Tuta we are committed to making the web better, more #sustainable and more #private! 💪


👉 Read full story here:…

ok ok ok, we covered #jupyter last week. Our #datascience adventure continues with checking into the #accessibility of #google CoLab. Is it better than jupyter? Worse? Are there tools to make it better? How's a #blind person even do #ML and datascience anyway? Come see in just over 2 hours at and #python #programming #coLab #selfPromo

One of the selling points of Google’s flagship generative AI models, Gemini 1.5 Pro and 1.5 Flash, is the amount of data they can supposedly process and analyze. But new research suggests that the models aren’t, in fact, very good at those things. “While models like Gemini 1.5 Pro can technically process long contexts, we have seen many cases indicating that the models don’t actually ‘understand’ the content,” Marzena Karpinska, a postdoc at UMass Amherst. TechCrunch has more:
#Tech #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Google #Gemini

Follow @Techcrunch for more breaking tech news and analysis.

Sparito da #Google, il Caso #Tutamail e il Potere Invisibile dei Grandi e il DMA #1274 - YouTube…

#Tuta #Tutanota @Tutanota

Ready to break #Google's monopoly?

#Chrome Manifest V3 is here to stop you from blocking ads.

Here are great alternatives:

✅ #Firefox
✅ #Duckduckgo
✅ More options:…

Which one did you pick?

On this day five years ago, I learned about the #Google #libcurl fork named libcrurl (!).…

(old blog post)

It was subsequently cancelled and never got anywhere.


Tuta Mail's #Google Ranking Mysteriously Restored After Announcement to Take Legal Actions

Read more:

YouTube makes #ads unskippable!

#Google is planning to start merging ads into #YouTube before they leave the server 🙈

Is it even possible to enjoy YouTube without ads? Check out our wrap-up here 👉…

#adblocker #annoyingads #privacymatters

It really feels like companies like #Google will do anything to "not get behind in the #AI game" no matter if it hurts their image, spreads mis-information or even suggests dangerous things

Most companies developing AI don't even fully understand it's process, how do we ever expect to explain this to lawmakers, not even talking about the time it takes for them to take action

Did you know that #XScreenSaver (yes, the collection of screensavers for X11) is available on Android?

And that #Google requires it to have a privacy policy in order to be available in the Play Store?

And that the maintainer chose to crowd-source a privacy policy where every item starts with "Unlike Google"?

It's become a great list of all the privacy violations Google did and still does. And I thought that it's gonna be long, but it's even longer than I imagined.…

"Google’s DMA compliance plan is a sham. […] If Apple’s proposal was a slap in the face, Google’s is a middle finger — both to the European Commission and to you."…

#Google #DMA #monopoly #gatekeeper

The fastest non-Google controlled web rendering engine Servo is trying to compete with only $1.6k funding a month:…

Yes, they did have an NLNet grant, but that ran out.

If we want an alternative to Blink/Chrome, we need to fund it. This is a project where even a tiny regular amount could yield oversize returns:

#Servo #Rust #Blink #Google #Chrome

The whole #Google #Chrome #Manifestv3 fiasco reminded me...

Is there a good way to run #ublockorigin on #android? Or something like it?

And related, as I happen to prefer the #chromium UX over the one offered by #firefox .. is there a Chromium fork which will retain v2?

Boosts appreciated

Google operated on the social contract of providing traffic to sites in exchange for content. Now that #Google is switching to #AI answers synthesized from the content and effectively cutting traffic is there even a point in participation?

Google will keep bringing load to the sites without providing any traffic.

I suspect we are about to see first robots.txt snippets banning Google crawlers like other AI bots really soon. And eventually outright banning Google ips altogether.

I wonder whether we’re also about to see a surge of old-school search engines. With modern technology it’s feasible to run a small search engine from a living room (e. g. on an off-the-shelf hardware and open source software. It doesn’t take the whole Google to operate a decade-old (feature wise) Google search engine. It might be feasible to run a good search engine on small resources that can be paid by simple ads or small subscriptions.…

I'm being asked how important this apparent leak of ~14,000 #Google Search related parameters really is. My take is that it's interesting, but personally I don't think it's very important. The reason is pretty obvious. The list apparently tells us nothing about which of these factors are really used by Google when ranking sites, or if they were, how they were weighted, when they were used, and ... well you get the idea.

It's completely reasonable to create an extremely exhaustive list like that even if you never end up using most of those factors. That's the way I would do it -- figure out every possible factor and then over time mix and match from various of them as necessary, especially to thwart black hat SEO. So again, I think this leak is intellectually fascinating, but attempts to use it against Google are (again, in my opinion) probably off the mark.

New blog post: Takeaways from the Google Content Warehouse API documentation leak.

A leak of all of Google’s 14,000 ranking factors recently hit the news. I go over some of the ones that people are eyeing more closely, and end with a cold shower to cool down some of the misleading hype from the SEO industry.


We only have API documentation. We don’t know about any hidden knowledge, whether any of these factors have a ranking weight of “zero”, whether any of these conditionally apply, which are only used internally for testing…Serious conclusions drawn from this leak are, to some degree, speculation.

#Google #SearchEngines #Blog

Tak się zastanawiam – skoro #Google tak bardzo nie chce, żeby ludzie mogli korzystać z alternatywnych klientów oraz nie mogli blokować reklam, to czemu nie zrobią tak jak #Netflix czy #Max, że filmy będą zabezpieczone #DRM? 🤔

Hey Fedi! A thought experiment:

How much would it cost in HW and bandwidth to replicate the original Google search? (Just crawl, index, search the index, display results. Only text in v1.)
I suspect it wouldn't be too expensive.
We could implement this, slap some collective QA on top of it, crowdfund the servers.

#search #FOSS #Google #enshittification

Thank you to whoever made… 🙌

#Google #AI #Memes

23.5.2024 - Der Tag an dem offensichtlich wurde, dass Bing praktisch die einzige verbliebene Alternative zu Google ist. Alle anderen "Suchmaschinen" sind Bing mit Schlapphut und Trenchcoat. 🕵️…

#ZerschlagtDieMonopole #microsoft #google #bing #duckduckgo #qwant #ecosia #startpage

Sensitive content

Die #ElsterSecure - sicherer Login #App
wurde laut #Google#Play schon mehr als 1 Mio mal heruntergeladen.

Aber es scheint bisher keine einzige Analyse auf #Exodus#Privacy zu geben...……

#Android is getting an AI-powered #scam call detection feature

Will be powered by Gemini Nano, which #Google says can be run locally and offline to process "fraudulent language and other conversation patterns typically associated with scams" and push real-time alerts during calls where detected red flags are present.

It will be opt-in, but Gemini Nano is currently only supported on Google Pixel 8 Pro and Samsung S24 series devices.

#cybersecurity #security…

Chromebooks already have great screen reading capabilities built in...

Awww Google, how cute of you. Great? Nope. Next time, remember. Nothing about us, **without us**. ChromeVox has barely been updated in *years*, just like VoiceOver for Mac, and Narrator. ChromeVox barely has any options for fine-tuning verbosity, keyboard commands, pronunciation, and some keyboard commands, like Search + Control + A for accessibility actions, aren't even well-documented. I should know. I had to use an Acer Spin 713 for a good 3 months as my primary laptop. So kindly stop talking, then ask, then act before you speak further.

"Updated keyboard shortcuts and first-letters navigation in Google Drive"...

First letters navigation? Come on. Any blind person can *tell* that this wasn't written by anyone who uses these technologies.

And nowhere in this article is anything new for ChromeVox. See? This is the kind of, frankly, bullshit that I hate on GAAD. Just shut your mouth and listen for once.…

#Accessibility #blind #google #ChromeOS #Chromebook #ChromeVox #GAAD

GAAD 2024 and Google: 8 new accessibility updates across TalkBack, Lookout, Maps and more:
Gemini’s integration with TalkBack, Lookout's Find mode, Look to Speak, etc.:…
#Accessibility #Google #GAAD #AI #TalkBack

Sensitive content

Google’s Gemini AI is coming to #Gmail, whether you like it or not. 🤖

Will you use this new feature - at the price of giving #Google all your data?

On the heels of the #OpenAI announcement yesterday, I guess #Google had to do something, right?...

'Subject:Try Gemini Advanced for 2 months, at no charge'

No, you're alright thanks.

Sensitive content

Sh*tf*ck 😳🔥😔

#ChatGPT consumes 25 times more #energy than #Google

"Energy consumption by Artificial Intelligence (#AI) is rising rapidly: AI is predicted to consume twice as much energy as the whole of France by 2030, according to some calculations."…