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Items tagged with: grapheneos

a big shoutout and thank you for #Conversations_im and #XMPP #Jabber in general. Personally, I love it, works super smoothly on my #grapheneos and by large I prefer it to #matrix

Also, may #discord burn in hell!

GrapheneOS version 2025010700 released:…

See the linked release notes for a summary of the improvements over the previous release.

Forum discussion thread:…

#GrapheneOS #privacy #security

Android auto spuštěné v Private space na #grapheneos vše šlape jak hodinky

One of the biggest advantages of #GrapheneOS is the ability to have separate VPNs on different profiles.

AFAIK this is the default in AOSP. You also don't need the Private Space to do this, it was possible by using a user profile or work profile (through e.g. Shelter or Insular) before.

Jedna z největších výhod #GrapheneOS je možnost oddělených VPN na různých profilech. 🛡️ Například na hlavním profilu můžu mít VPN s českou IP adresou, zatímco v Private Space, kde mám bankovní aplikace, můžu mít třeba německou IP. Perfektní pro bezpečnost a ochranu soukromí – dvě identity v jednom zařízení! Začínají se mi Private Space líbit :-) #Privacy #VPN #Android

Přeinstaloval jsem #GrapheneOS. Na hlavním profilu používám jen FOSS aplikace, zatímco v soukromém prostoru mám banku a další aplikace. Samozřejmě kromě Revolut, ten pořád nefunguje. 😅 Zatím se mi tyhle soukromé prostory líbí – uvidíme, jak dlouho vydržím! 😄 #Privacy #Android

Používáte někdo na #Grapheneos profily, nebo máte vše na hlavním profilu. Já to párkrát zkoušel, ale nějak nevím, to už přijde i mně docela opruz 😃

Nakonec mám jasno, jestli se vrátit ke klasickému Androidu 📱 po několika letech, nebo zůstat u dvou telefonů. Pixel 6a mi přestal nabíjet ⚡, a tak jsem dostal Pixel 8. K tomu mám od @cynik_obecny ještě Fairphone 5. Rozhodnutí je tedy jasné – soukromí je u mě na prvním místě 🔒, a tak si k sobě Google prostě nepustím! 🚫 Přes to vlak nejede. 🚂💨 :-)) A samozřejmě díky Ježíšku :-))
#grapheneos #android #opensource

interessant. Ich kämpfe auf meinem #grapheneos auch seit einer Weile mit dem Akkuverbrauch von #signal. Schade, dass in #younohost seit dem Update auf #debian 12 nicht mehr automatisch ein #XMPP Server integriert ist. Das war schon ein sehr bequemer Weg für Laien wie mich, unfallfrei, unkompliziert und günstig einen solchen zu klicken und pflegen.

@masoud Both have direct connections to their respective servers because #GrapheneOS comes without Play Services. Both apps prompted me for exemptions to "Battery optimizations" which I granted.

On the sending side I made sure (by looking at the double ticks ✅ ) that the messages were delivered instantly.

I installed #Signal and #Conversations_im on a clean install of #GrapheneOS on my Pixel 4a and measured the battery impact. The results are shocking!

Both messengers had only one contact: my regular phone.

I used my regular phone to send messages to the Pixel 4a (which was not used for anything else over the course of the experiment).

I always sent the same message via Signal and #XMPP (mixing up which app went first). In total I sent ~32 messages in intervals of 10mins to a few hours.

Navazuji na včerejší tip.

Tady je porovnání iPhone a různých odnoží Androidu. Většina lidí má "Android" - distribuci plnou šmírovátek od Google obohacenou o bloatware výrobce, který nejen že šmíruje po svém, ale často zavléká bezpečnostní chyby, zabírá místo v úložišti i RAM.

V GrapheneOS mimo jiné vůbec není položka "Reklama" s Mobile Advertising ID.


#soukromí #kybez #Google #Apple #grapheneos

GrapheneOS and android 15 beta upgrade. Pixel8 on the big screen, unbeatable. I probably won't think about a linux phone, at least not for a while, because now I have a notebook in my pocket, without google and most FOSS apps. Tidal from the phone looks good on the big screen, all other apps work too. #GrapheneOS #pixel8 #bigscreen #nextlevel #degoogle

Tak už běží na #AndroidAuto v #Grapheneos i ta správná navigace #osmand 👍👍

@jan Já používám Pixely, už pár let, na jiné telefony nejde nahrát #grapheneos, ale Pixel 6a má baterii fakt nic moc a to nemluvím o tom, že se občas i dost zahřívá.

I tried this but using #NextPush instead of NTFY.

Tapping on #UnifiedPush in the #Dav5X settings instantly picked up UnifiedPush and subscribed, showing my account in brackets. The NextPush Android app showed Davx5 as subscribed.

It seems I had to turn the collection off and on a couple of times before it showed as subscribed, and it still takes about 30 seconds to update. Could that just be #GrapheneOS's default calendar app that I'm using?

»Firma verschleudert 3,6 Milliarden Standorte von Menschen in Deutschland«. Seit Jahren erwähne ich in fast jedem Artikel, in dem es um Tracking und Android-Apps geht, dass die Google Advertising-ID ein personenbeziehbares Datum ist. Dies wurde nun erneut eindrucksvoll bewiesen. 👇

Weg aus der Misere: Verwendet googlefreie Systeme wie #GrapheneOS und nutzt Werbe- und Trackingblocker.……

#tracking #dsgvo #advertisingid #google #apple #android #ios

Auch bei 'meinen' / den von mir 'verwalteten' drei #grapheneos Geräten bisher keine Chance zum OptOut. Auch schon beim Vorgänger von #utiq (#trustpid) ging es nicht. Wollte es gleich mal mit nem Notebook via WLanHotspot probieren.

Ein absolutes #NoGo! Jährlich? Und jeder NICHT #digitalnatives erfährt davon erst garnichts. 🤬

Only an OS that doesnt do strange automated stuff (like iOS), and can be reflashed onto a device, is safe against #Pegasus


Nastal správný čas, vyzkoušet #Grapheneos ☝️. Vynikající Google Pixel 7a spadl v Česku pod 10 tisíc…

Po aktualizaci #grapheneos už je možné nainstalovat i Android auto

Těšovický vodopád.
V lese ukrytý vodopád, k němuž nevede žádná značená turistická cesta, se nachází na bezejmenném přítoku Ohře. Další zajímavostí při návštěvě tohoto místa je také hraniční mezník Falknovského a Nosticového panství se znamením kotvy, který se nachází pod vodopádem. Jen jsem myslel, že po tech deštích bude mít víc vody, ale i tak je to super místo, o kterém málokdo v Sokolově ví.
#Czech #krajina #photography #GrapheneOs

Tak to už brzo dorazí Android 14.…

@jackc Hmmm, tak kecám, ten dnešní update je beta, stačilo přepnout aktualizační kanál a hle 😜 #GrapheneOS #5G #Pixel7

Paráda. U #grapheneos by to už taky měli mít:…

GrapheneOS ab sofort mit SUPL-Proxy-Server: 👍

#grapheneos #supl #gps #privacy #android

Jak v #GrapheneOS povolit přístup k poloze Google mapám? :androidDealWithIt:


Neuestes #GrapheneOS Release:
"add toggle to Settings ➔ Location for force disabling SUPL as a carrier-independent replacement for editing APN configuration since editing APN configuration is unintuitive, not fully respected on Tensor SoC devices and users with no carrier should be able to disable it without using airplane mode" 🤗👍…

Google publishes the source code for their TalkBack screen reader. GrapheneOS maintains a fork of it and includes it in GrapheneOS with the help of a blind GrapheneOS user who works on their own more elaborate fork. Eventually, we'd like to include more or all of their changes.

TalkBack depends on a text-to-speech (TTS) implementation installed/configured/activated. It needs to have Direct Boot support to function before the first unlock of a profile. Google's TTS implementation supports this and can be used on GrapheneOS, but it's not open source.

We requested Direct Boot support from both prominent open source implementations:

eSpeak NG:…

eSpeak NG recently added it but it's not yet included in a stable release and their licensing (GPLv3) is too restrictive for us.

RHVoice itself has acceptable licensing for inclusion in GrapheneOS (LGPL v2.1), but has dependencies with restrictive licensing. Both these software projects also have non-free licensing issues for the voices. Neither provides close to a working out-of-the-box experience either.

Google's Speech Services app providing text-to-speech and speech-to-text works perfectly. Their proprietary accessibility services app with extended TalkBack and other services also works fine. However, many of our users don't want to use them and we need something we can bundle.

There aren't currently any usable open source speech-to-text apps. There are experimental open source speech-to-text implementations but they lack Android integration.

We also really need to make a brand new setup wizard with both accessibility and enterprise deployment support.

GrapheneOS still has too little funding and too few developers to take on these projects. These would be standalone projects able to be developed largely independently. There are similar standalone projects which we need to have developed in order to replace some existing apps.

AOSP provides a set of barebones sample apps with outdated user interfaces / features. These are intended to be replaced by OEMs, but we lack the resources of a typical OEM. We replaced AOSP Camera with our own app, but we still need to do the same with Gallery and other apps.

Google has started the process of updating the open source TalkBack, which only happens rarely. We've identified a major issue: a major component has no source code published.…

Google has been very hostile towards feedback / contributions for TalkBack...

This is one example of something seemingly on the right track significantly regressing. Another example is the takeover of the Seedvault project initially developed for GrapheneOS. It has deviated substantially from the original plans and lacks usability, robustness and security.

In the case of Seedvault, GrapheneOS designed the concept for it and one of our community members created it. It was taken over by a group highly hostile towards us and run into the ground. It doesn't have the intended design/features and lacks usability, security and robustness.

All of these are important standalone app projects for making GrapheneOS highly usable and accessible. What we need is not being developed by others and therefore we need to the resources including funding and developers to make our own implementations meeting our requirements.

#grapheneos #privacy #security #android #mobile #accessibility #texttospeech #speechtotext #talkback #blind #backup

GrapheneOS version 2022050301 released:….

See the linked release notes for a summary of the improvements over the previous release.
