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#thunderbird starts a "series of [...] tips and tricks focusing on our favorite time management and productivity advice"

The best advice ist to do this while rocking it out (see picture).

I have mine set up, to go from 70's to the new classics rock to support my doing.…

#playlist #spotify #rock #80s #70s #90s #mozilla #opensource #closedsource

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to Julian Papulian

We may have fallen off the music posts recently but we LOVE using music to get things done! We might have to sneak some back into this series.

Thanks so much for sharing your playlist! Mind if we share it with others in a future productivity post or a social?


in reply to Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

@thunderbird Thanks for the response. Sure sharing is caring, the aging beast has a lot to offer. I like how these fabulous songs from this time can take a passive track in your subconscious while working. Settling but not boring 🎸