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Items tagged with: rock

#thunderbird starts a "series of [...] tips and tricks focusing on our favorite time management and productivity advice"

The best advice ist to do this while rocking it out (see picture).

I have mine set up, to go from 70's to the new classics rock to support my doing.…

#playlist #spotify #rock #80s #70s #90s #mozilla #opensource #closedsource

Ricotta Records is/was (I don't know if it's still there) a teeny record store for mice! Located in Lund, Sweden, the rodent-themed #vinyl emporium was part of an ongoing #art project by the artists' collective known as Anonymouse.

#music #mice #rodents #rock

There’s going to be a spectacular eclipse in the US on April 8th.

That’s a Monday, or Moonday.…

#DgarMusic #IndieMusic #MusiciansOfMastodon #SpaceRock #MoonRock #SolarEclipse #Rock #SingerSongwriter #Music

J'adore le rock nigérian (tuareg) !
Mdou Moctar - Tarhatazed (Live on KEXP)

En plus ça permet de faire des jeux de mots débiles tout en faisant connaître cette culture musicale.
"Tarhatazed" c'est un peu comme "Tahartagueule (à la récré)" mais en mieux que quand c'est Souchon...

#culture #musique #rock #Niger #Tuareg #MdouMoctar #pouetradio

Trocha klasiky 🤘 #rock…

Hello !Friendica Support
are reshares supposed to reach Twitter?

See here:…

It also shows up twice in my profile.

Using the current RC.