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Staying still in the land of open source projects, this slipped yesterday through my Reddit reading:
FeedGears is a web-based, self-hostable RSS client with particular attention to accessibility. According to the dev, it was tested against the WCAG 2.1 guidelines on the AA level, has integrated shortcuts, consistent keyboard navigation and automatic announcements for system events. It's pretty new so a lot of features might be missing but that's for the contact mechanisms and the feedback. :)
I haven't tested this myself yet but the landing page looks definitely alright.
#Accessibility #OpenSource #RSS #Blind #ScreenReaders

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in reply to Paweł Masarczyk

@pitermach As an RSS buff and as much as I want to use this RSS reader, it fails to analyze my OPML files. Guess it's because my RSS feeds are in a tree view, but other apps like RSSOwlnix can properly import it. On a related topic, Windows 11 has a serious RSS issue as finding capable and accessible clients is a huge pain.
in reply to Amir

@amirsol @pitermach Agreed. Nothing seems to be living up to Thunderbird's standard and that doesn't do everything that I need, sadly. As for Feed Gears: I guess that's the infancy of the project. I'm sure the dev would be willing to improve the mechanism for OPML import.
in reply to Paweł Masarczyk

@pitermach I use RSSOwlnix on Windows 11, and like it for its wealth of features. However, it gets quite sluggish as time goes by - I mean in a matter of a couple of months, so I'm forced to remove my database, add everything afresh, and re-adjust my settings for yet another couple of months. Really painful to say the least! Wish we had Lire for iOS/Mac on Windows 11.
in reply to Amir

@amirsol @pitermach That one won't start for me. Java seems to be the problem.
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Paweł Masarczyk
@gratefuldread Thanks for the heads up. Actually I still need to try it. From what I heard from others it's workable but well-written documentation is a must even for the simplest of solutions. Unless you beat me to it, I'll let the dev know as I doubt he's on here. Have a great day!