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#TrumpTrial 🧵 Thurs, May 2

charges are falsifying business records to hide #HushMoney payments in lead up to 2016 election to #influence electorate

just one Trump supporter at the courthouse draped in a Trump flag.

#StormyDaniels's lawyer, #KeithDavidson, to return to stand. He negotiated the hush-money payment at the center of the case, & is expected to lay out details of the deal.

#criminal #law #Trump #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #KarenMcDougal

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Davidson’s testimony on Tues ended w/how he had started to doubt #MichaelCohen would pay the $130k.

Before the day ended, Davidson said Cohen forwarded him an email from First Republic Bank vouching for his solvency.

In addition to #StormyDaniels, Davidson represented #KarenMcDougal, a Playboy model who had a year-long affair w/ #Trump. McDougal also received #HushMoney —$150k from the parent company of The #NationalEnquirer.

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference

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Before the jury is called back in, Justice #Merchan plans to hold a hearing on whether #Trump has again violated the #GagOrder in the case.

Trump went to his social media platform this morning to again saying:

"We cannot let this radical left, corrupt & highly conflicted New York Democrat judge interfere w/the presidential election of 2024 — the most important election in the history of our country. The USA is truly a nation in decline! Remove the unconstitutional gag order."

#law #TrumpTrial

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#Trump also attacked Justice #Merchan at a rally in Wisconsin last night & said that the #jury in this trial was drawn from a county —Manhattan — which is “a 95% or so Democrat area.”

Trump continued the same line of attack in the courthouse hallway. According to a pool report, he referred to Justice Merchan as conflicted & bragged about yesterday's rallies.

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #MobTactics #GagOrder #TrumpTrial

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Gag order hearing is underway

Moments into the prosecutors' argument, #Trump slapped the arm of his lead lawyer, Todd Blanche, and gestured with his hands. They spoke briefly and then Trump sat back and immediately shut his eyes.

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #MobTactics #GagOrder #TrumpTrial

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Regarding #Trump’s comments about David #Pecker being nice, prosecutor Conroy argued it was a threat to other witnesses “be nice or else face attacks” not sure that will work. Conroy called Trump’s statements as “air of menace” I agree, but if we’re supposed to infer for a #GagOrder that gets a little tricky.

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #MobTactics #TrumpTrial

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Conroy re #MichaelCohen,:
The judge, in ruling against #Trump after the first hearing, warned that #witnesses could not use the #GagOrder as a “sword,” attacking Trump while knowing that he would be fined for attacking them back. Conroy acknowledges that: “We understand the court's concern about Michael Cohen.” But he wants the violation recognized, as he says Trump is trying to “disrupt” the process & that his statements are “corrosive to this proceeding”

#criminal #law #MobTactics #TrumpTrial

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#Trump atty #Blanche argues the purpose of the #GagOrder is to “protect the integrity of these proceedings” & that none of the 4 statements at issue were disruptive to the trial, & continues to say Trump’s statements are responses to political attacks.

Blanche mentions a comment from President #Biden at the WH Correspondents' Dinner in which the president made an oblique reference to #StormyDaniels, saying that Trump had been experiencing “stormy weather.”

#criminal #law #GagOrder #TrumpTrial

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But the judge asks, isn’t it possible to respond to #Biden without actually mentioning #StormyDaniels, a potential #witness?

[also Biden isn’t under a #GagOrder, threatening any #witnesses or facing multiple #criminal charges]

#Trump appeared to get frustrated during this exchange & motioned w/his hands.

#law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #MobTactics #TrumpTrial

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#Blanche complains about media coverage in the argument, but #Trump seeks out the media, he gives multiple stmnts outside the courtroom & constantly discusses the trial. He’s running on his #criminal charges.

Justice #Merchan says he doesn’t understand Blanche’s argument comparing Trump’s inability to speak out freely w/journalists' ability to report freely on him everyday. “They’re not defendants in this case," Merchan says forcefully. "They’re not subject to the #GagOrder.”

#law #TrumpTrial

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#Blanche is arguing that #Trump has to respond to reporters who ask him about #witnesses.

Justice #Merchan replies, “It was your client who went down to that holding area & stood in front of the press & started to speak. It wasn’t the press that went to him. He went to the press. He didn’t need to go in that direction.” He adds, “Nobody forced your client” to go talk to reporters in the courthouse hallway when he attacked #MichaelCohen.

#criminal #law #MobTactics #GagOrder #TrumpTrial

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After Justice #Merchan pointed out that no one is forcing #Trump to talk to the #press, #Blanche’s response, “I agree with that.”

Merchan continues to express concern about Trump’s rights to free speech, particularly as a political candidate. He says that a whole press area has been set aside for Trump in the hallway so that “your client, as candidate for the presidency, has the opportunity to speak about absolutely anything he wants.”

#criminal #law #GagOrder #TrumpTrial

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Justice #Merchan seems very mindful of #Trump painting himself as a #martyr, & is trying to emphasize Trump’s #FreeSpeech rights as a candidate.

Merchan says he’s not that concerned w/the potential violation where Trump referred to David Pecker as “a nice guy.”

Blanche moved on to #MichaelCohen.
Who has really been relentless & isn’t doing the prosecution any favors.
Blanche shows some of Cohen’s tweets.

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #ElectionInterference #MobTactics #GagOrder #TrumpTrial

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#Blanche discusses #MichaelCohen’s Tik-Tok videos, saying, “This is not a man that needs protection from the gag order.”

This is a serious concern for prosecutors. Their #witness, who had said that he would be silent after having attacked #Trump, has not. + Justice #Merchan has already written that he is somewhat sympathetic to the defense’s argument here.

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #MobTactics #GagOrder #TrumpTrial

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Justice #Merchan signals he continues to have little patience for #Trump’s comments about the #jury, saying they were mostly #Democrats.

Pretty sure he’ll be penalized for at least those comments.

The #GagOrder violations hearing is over.

Hopefully Merchan will give a ruling soon on it.

Short break.

#KeithDavidson, #StormyDaniels's lawyer, is back on the stand for more questioning from prosecutors.

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #MobTactics #TrumpTrial

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Deleted last toot, appears NYT jumped the gun on that report
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
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#KeithDavidson starts off by reminding the jury how bad things had gotten between him & #MichaelCohen. #DylanHoward, the editor of The #NationalEnquirer, had to step in because Davidson believed Cohen was “not telling me the truth” about the delay in receiving a #HushMoney payment for #StormyDaniels’s story.

Prosecution next shows Davidson text to Howard saying he has received the #HushMoney payment: “funds received.”

#criminal #law #Trump #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference

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Side note, while Todd #Blanche was arguing against penalizing #Trump for violating the #GagOrder inside the courtroom, Trump was literally fundraising off it. In a message sent to supporters, Trump wrote that he’s “been FULLY GAGGED” & “stuck in court all day.”

The message included a link to a survey asking whether “you support President Trump more or less after every single witch hunt, raid, indictment, & arrest.“

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial

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#KeithDavidson is asked to go over the specifics of the #HushMoney contract w/ #StormyDaniels & #MichaelCohen, which was signed “on behalf of” #Trump.

Davidson confirmed that Daniels' contract had a $1M liquidated damages provision, meaning that Daniels would be obligated to pay $1M if she breached the contract.

Davidson added that Cohen was the person who insisted the provision contain an amount so high.

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference

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More on #MichaelCohen signing “on behalf of” #Trump:

#KeithDavidson said Cohen signed the documents instead of “David Dennison”, which was the alias they used for Trump.

Prosecutor #Steinglass showed the doc in court & the signatures from Cohen, #StormyDaniels, & Davidson, but there wasn’t one from Trump.

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #TrumpTrial

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#KeithDavidson is asked about a text he sent #DylanHoward (#NationalEnquirer) on election night as the election was about to get called for #Trump.

“What have we done?” Davidson texted.

Howard responded: “Oh my god.”

Davidson describes his text as “gallows humor,” but explains that “there was an understanding” that their “activities may have in some way assisted the presidential campaign of Donald Trump.”

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #TrumpTrial

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As results came in on election night, #DylanHoward called #MichaelCohen, who invited him to celebrate at the Hilton in Times Square. He went w/one of his #NationalEnquirer reporters.

Davidson on Cohen:
"He said something to the effect of, Jesus Christ, can you f---ing believe I'm not going to Washington... I've saved that guy's a-- so many times you don't even know."

Defense will love that testimony.

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #TrumpTrial

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#KeithDavidson testimony re the #HushMoney deal:

Prosecutor #Steinglass: Did you send a denial to Stormy to sign?

Davidson: "I don't recall."

Prosecution presents a Jan 2018 statement from #StormyDaniels, in which she denied reports of a relationship w/ Trump, a denial she would later rescind. Later, she would say that while she did not have an affair w/ #Trump, she did have sex w/him.

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #TrumpTrial

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#Trump claimed on social media that this stmnt was “JUST FOUND” (it wasn’t)
He was penalized $1k for that as a violation of the #GagOrder.

#KeithDavidson reads #StormyDaniels's denial aloud.

#Steinglass: “How would you characterize the truthfulness of this statement?”
“Did you intend for this statement to be cleverly misleading?”

Davidson: “I don’t understand the question” & added he would “never” use the term “#HushMoney”. He prefers the term “consideration.”

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial

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Davidson testifies about many phone calls & texts from #MichaelCohen after WSJ’s article came out.

Rothfeld its author says:

“The statement of denial from #StormyDaniels just shown in court seemed like an obvious non-denial denial when I was reporting on this story at the time for The WSJ. 1st of all, it came from Michael Cohen. How would he have had access to her? Second, she said she didn’t receive #HushMoney from ‘Donald Trump’—we knew it was Cohen who had paid.”

#law #Trump #TrumpTrial

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mid-January 2018, #MichaelCohen texted #KeithDavidson that he had tentatively scheduled #StormyDaniels to appear on #Hannity (she never did)

#Steinglass asked why Cohen was pushing for her to appear on the program. Davidson answered that Cohen believed Daniels would further deny the sexual encounter w/ #Trump.

Cohen had a relationship w/ Sean Hannity, a Trump supporter. In 2018 before Cohen’s guilty plea, it was revealed that Hannity was a #legal client of Cohen’s.

#TrumpTrial #law

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#KeithDavidson was asked about texts w/ #MichaelCohen referencing the State of the Union address that #Trump was going to deliver - so this was happening as Trump was running the country.

Davidson testified about how handling both #StormyDaniels & #MichaelCohen made his life very complicated.

Prosecutor #Steinglass grilled Davidson on how Daniels's denials were not believable, important to counter arguments by defense.

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #TrumpTrial

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#Steinglass presented texts between #MichaelCohen & #KeithDavidson about a statement prepared before #StormyDaniels' #JimmyKimmel appearance in Jan 2018.

The statement said that she was denying an affair w/ #Trump. Asked how truthful that was, Davidson testified that it's technically true because no one had alleged a #relationship between the 2 of them. He said a relationship is an ongoing interaction.

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #TrumpTrial

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#MichaelCohen texted #Keith Davidson that #StormyDaniels "just denied the letter...claiming it's not her signature...she said she did it in front of you."

Davidson said, "She did. Impossible — she posted it on her own Twitter page."

"They showed her signature & she claimed it was not hers on Kimmel," Cohen said.

"Wtf," Davidson said.

#Trump #criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #TrumpTrial

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#KeithDavidson explained an interaction w/ #MichaelCohen re a statement to fmr #CNN anchor Chris Cuomo.

In Feb 2018, the #StormyDaniels story was getting attention in the news.

Davidson testified that Cohen asked him to provide a statement stating that Cohen was the source of the funds.

#Steinglass asks why he drafted it despite knowing that #Trump was or would be the ultimate source of the funds.
Davidson says that at the time of the transaction, Cohen had put up the money.

#law #TrumpTrial

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#Steinglass finished questioning #KeithDavidson in an abrupt conclusion. Before he finished, Steinglass asked Davidson if he had any stake in the outcome of the trial. Davidson said that he did not.

#Trump's lawyer Emil #Bove on #CrossExamination of Davidson, fmr #StormyDaniels & #KarenMcDougal lawyer.

Bove begins by establishing that Davidson has not met Trump.

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #TrumpTrial

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#Bove tried to create distance between the #HushMoney deals & #Trump.

Prosecution tried to atttibute the deals to Trump, the boss overseeing #MichaelCohen.

Defense is trying to tweak the whole story to frame everything as something orchestrated by #KeithDavidson, Cohen, #StormyDaniels & Daniels’ manager Gina Rodriguez.

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #TrumpTrial

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#Bove returns to the topic of how #MichaelCohen wanted a job in #Trump's WH & acted despondent, on a call w/ #KeithDavidson, when he did not receive it.

Davidson, asked about that call, says:

“I thought he was going to kill himself."

Bove then introduces the idea that Cohen had hoped for a high-ranking position, even as high as U.S. attorney general.

Objection (obviously)

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #TrumpTrial

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Defense wants to portray #MichaelCohen as having a vendetta against #Trump grounded in personal disappointment w/nothing to do any alleged illegal conduct by Trump.

#Bove recalls to #KeithDavidson he said Cohen could be “aggressive,” then said, “And you can be aggressive too, can’t you?”

Davidson: “I suppose”

Bove: “What does the word ‘extortion’ mean to you?”

Defense wants to make Davidson look like a scumbag who extorted the Trump campaign. Davidson is pissed.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial

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#Bove is trying to paint #KeithDavidson as a serial extorter, asking for money in various situations & being mindful not to cross the line into actual extortion.

Bove is digging up unsavory episodes from Davidson's past to cast him as shady — for example, Bove says, a fmr of client of his leaked information that the Hollywood star Lindsay Lohan was in rehab.

#Trump #criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #TrumpTrial

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#Bove’s cross-examination so far hasn't even been about #Trump, but it is an effort by his legal team to discredit #KeithDavidson & persuade the jury that his previous testimony shouldn't be trusted.

2 more celebs have been named - Tila Tequila, a reality TV star, & Charlie Sheen.

Bove is accusing Davidson of essentially extorting Sheen.

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #TrumpTrial

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Lots of "I don't recalls" from #KeithDavidson during this cross-examination. #Bove is trying to make him appear dishonest & unethical.
Presumably, Bove is going to suggest that the money to #StormyDaniels may not have been paid to cover up an affair, but because #Trump was being shaken down.

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #TrumpTrial

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#Bove asked #KeithDavidson if it's fair to say his memory "seems a little fuzzy around some of these issues?"

Davidson replied that he has had over 1500 clients in his career.

Bove told Davidson that he (Bove) was "not here to play lawyer games" & Davidson told Bove that he was "getting truthful answers, sir"

Very hostile & confrontational cross.

#Trump #criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #TrumpTrial

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#KeithDavidson responded specifically to #Bove’s "lawyer games" comment. He said if Bove didn't want to play such games then he should not use the word "extract" to describe the way Davidson & his clients would get monetary settlements from celebrities.

Bove then asked about the Hulk Hogan sex tape & media outlet Gawker. Bove said Davidson used connections at the website TheDirty, to get stills of the video.

#Trump #criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #TrumpTrial

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Gawker was sued out of existence by Hogan, in a lawsuit financed by the billionaire #PeterThiel.

#Bove insinuated that an article #NationalEnquirer editor #DylanHoward co-wrote about the Hulk Hogan sex tapes in 2015 was a product of Davidson’s providing that info.

Davidson denied that he gave Howard the tapes.

Bove then revealed that the #FBI had set up a sting related to Davidson’s discussion w/Hogan’s reps.

#Trump #criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #TrumpTrial

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#Bove insisted that #KeithDavidson was familiar w/ #extortion law after the brush w/ federal agents.

Bove also suggested that Davidson violated California's #ethics code for #lawyers by compensating non-lawyers w/ legal fees.

Lunch break

#Trump #criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #TrumpTrial

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#KeithDavidson’s testimony exhumes a decade’s worth of #CelebritySleaze.

Payments from…Charlie Sheen to keep women silent. Rumors…Lindsay Lohan was in rehab. A lawsuit by Hulk Hogan…against the gossip website Gawker for publishing a tape of him having sex.
Testimony…at the #TrumpTrial…dove deeply into the #celebrity-obsessed #media environment…that helped fuel #Trump’s rise to political prominence.…

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Basically yes, all these characters are sleazy scumbag criminals, but that’s who sleazy scumbag criminals typically conduct their sleazy scummy crimes with.

#Trump #criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #TrumpTrial

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Susan#Necheles, one of #Trump's lawyers, begins by asking for a clarification on the #GagOrder, giving a copy of some news articles to the judge. The articles are by what she calls “legal commentators" including #Trump supporter #JonathanTurley, saying, "These articles are all articles which President Trump would like to post on Truth." She says they involve some witnesses & aspects of the case, but Trump has “concerns" about posting because they reference witnesses.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial

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Chris #Conroy, the prosecutor, says they need to go through the articles but that it's "odd" that the defense is asking for an advance ruling.

When Conroy says that he thinks the #GagOrder is "very specific," #Trump vigorously shakes his head.

#Merchan says he is not going to pre-judge Trump's postings. "I'm not going to give advance rulings," he says.

"There is no ambiguity, I believe, in the order." He says that if Trump is in doubt, he should "steer clear."

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial

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FYI #Necheles, defended #TrumpOrganization in a #criminal #tax #law #case 2 yrs ago.

#Bove questioned #KeithDavidson if Larry Flynt, publisher of Hustler, offered to indemnify #StormyDaniels from liability she incurred relating to the #HushMoney deal.

Davidson said that Flynt offered, but Daniels did not accept.

Bove then questioned Davidson if #MichaelCohen secretly taped people. Davidson acknowledged he believed Cohen taped him at certain times.

#Trump #criminal #TrumpTrial

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#KeithDavidson said he thought #MichaelCohen was recording him because they were “structured conversations” & seemed “self-serving." + Cohen spoke on those calls differently than usual.

After that, defense played a taped, private conversation between #StormyDaniels' lawyer & Cohen in which Davidson talked about people having “settler’s remorse,” a reference to Daniels.

#Trump #criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #TrumpTrial

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#Bove noted #KeithDavidson's use the word “leverage” on the tape, suggesting that he was seeking leverage over #Trump. Davidson denied that & said that Bove is “grossly mistaken about the dates” of when this conversation took place.

The recording was not introduced as evidence in the case so the jury & the observers aren’t hearing it. Davidson is listening on a headset, defense is using it to refresh his recollection about the conversation so Bove can question him about it.

#TrumpTrial #law

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#Bove ends his cross-examination of #KeithDavidson.

Re-direct from prosecutor #Steinglass, who reads through a transcript of Davidson's recorded discussion w/ #MichaelCohen.

Davidson is asked to clarify that Michael #Avenatti, who by then was #StormyDaniels’ attorney, was denying a number of developments.

The discussions between Davidson & Cohen, he testified, were about Avenatti efforts, not coaching Stormy's words.

#Trump #criminal #law #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #TrumpTrial

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Prosecutors play a portion of a conversation w/ #KeithDavidson that #MichaelCohen secretly taped.
“Nobody’s thinking about Michael,” Cohen says, referring to himself in the 3rd person.
In the recording Cohen said #Trump hated “the fact that we did it.” Davidson clarifies this in response to the #HushMoney payment to #StormyDaniels — a key piece of evidence, that would seem to corroborate Trump’s knowledge of & involvement in the deal.

#criminal #law #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #TrumpTrial

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On the call, #MichaelCohen said, "What about me? And I can’t — I can't even tell you how many times he said to me, you know, 'I hate the fact that we did it'...& my comment to him was 'but every person you spoke to said it was the right thing to do.'"

After hearing that portion, the prosecutor asked Davidson who was the "he" referred to in the phone call.
"Mr. Trump," Davidson said, “I attributed that to be a quote from Mr. #Trump."

#criminal #law #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #TrumpTrial

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#Bove briefly questioned #KeithDavidson again in a recross-examination. He ended it by emphasizing that Davidson had never been in a room w/ #Trump until this week.

"You never spoke to or never were in same room until Tuesday?," Bove asks Davidson.

Davidson said that was correct.

Douglas Daus a senior forensic analyst & audio visual specialist is called as a fact witness.

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #TrumpTrial

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Per NBC: Daus was in Iraq 2009-2011 doing forensic data analysis; & is now a supervising computer forensic analyst in the DA’s office.

Daus, is expected to assist in verifying records.

DA #AlvinBragg is watching his employee explain the path between a device coming into the office, either through a search warrant or consent, & the actual extraction & preservation of data.

(oosh boring)

#Trump #criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #TrumpTrial

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Reminder custodial witnesses like Daus — are tasked w/ verifying & entering records into evidence — because the defense refused to accept anything as basic fact.
In most trials, lawyers agree that certain exhibits should be understood to be true & factual; #Trump’s lawyers consistently refuse to do that, AT ALL, they won’t accept things like this is a table, this is a phone, thus requiring this boring fact verification process.

#AlternativeFacts #delusional #criminal #law #TrumpTrial

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Daus, who extracted data from #MichaelCohen's cellphones, confirms that Cohen was texting w/ #HopeHicks, who at the time was #Trump’s spox.

A report from Daus shows that one of Cohen’s phones had 39,745 contacts!

A photo of Cohen behind the press secretary's lectern in the #WhiteHouse briefing room is displayed on video screens.

The courtroom is now hearing a recording Cohen secretly made of Trump talking.

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #TrumpTrial

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👀 On the recording, #MichaelCohen is talking to #Trump, it sounds like #HopeHicks in the background. Cohen is explaining they had just gotten served by The NYT to unseal records from Trump’s first divorce, from Ivana Trump.

At the end of the tape, Cohen tells Trump,

“I need to open up a company for the transfer of all of that info regarding our friend David.”
[The #NationalEnquirer’s David #Pecker]

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #TrumpTrial

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👀 #MichaelCohen says he talked to #AllenWeisselberg, who was the #TrumpOrganization's CFO. Cohen references “the financing,” & #Trump interjects, “What financing?”

The call related to the #HushMoney deal made w/ #KarenMcDougal.

#Jurors are hearing Trump in the OvalOffice discussing a hush-money payment.

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #TrumpTrial

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Tape Transcript:

“I need to open up a company for the transfer of all that info regarding our friend, David, you know, so that — I'm going to do that right away," #MichaelCohen said. "And I've spoken to #AllenWeisselberg about how to set the whole thing up."

"So, what do we got to pay for this? 150?" #Trump asked.

"...funding. Yes. Um, & it's all the stuff," Cohen said.

"Yea, I was thinking about that," Trump said.

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #TrumpTrial

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"All the stuff. Because — here, you never know where that company — you never know what he’s...," #MichaelCohen said.

"Maybe he gets hit by a truck," Trump said.

#Trump then asked about financing & Cohen said, "Well, I'll have to pay something."

"Pay with cash," Trump said.

#Trump #criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #TrumpTrial

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The prosecution has finished, & #Bove, the #Trump defense lawyer, is now cross-examining the forensic analyst custodial witness, Douglas Daus.

Bove asked about his credentials then about the chain of custody of #MichaelCohen’s phones. He is implying that perhaps the data on the phones — including the recording of Trump the jury just heard — might be compromised.

#Trump #criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #TrumpTrial

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#Bove is implying that the DA’s office was sloppy in their data extraction & the devices could have been manipulated, asking questions about chain of custody & if the intake process was secure.

Daus was excused, but will be back to testify more tomorrow.

Court adjourned for the day.

Funny from NYT’s Maggie Haberman:

#Trump left the courtroom, squinting strangely at Lawrence O’Donnell, the MSNBC host, as he did.

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #TrumpTrial

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Today’s #TrumpTrial testimony 🧵
Friday, 3 May, 2024

Custodial witness, Doug Daus, a forensic analyst in the Manhattan DA’s office will continue to testify about obtaining audio from the phones of #MichaelCohen, #Trump’s former fixer.

Yesterday’s 🧵:…

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #HushMoney #MobTactics #NodFarter #GagOrder #StormyDaniels #KarenMcDougal

#TrumpTrial 🧵 Thurs, May 2

charges are falsifying business records to hide #HushMoney payments in lead up to 2016 election to #influence electorate

just one Trump supporter at the courthouse draped in a Trump flag.

#StormyDaniels's lawyer, #KeithDavidson, to return to stand. He negotiated the hush-money payment at the center of the case, & is expected to lay out details of the deal.

#criminal #law #Trump #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #KarenMcDougal

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Justice #Merchan is on the bench &addressing something that #Trump said outside court yesterday, when he claimed that he could not testify because of the #GagOrder.

The comment left many people confused, & it wasn’t clear if Trump was simply making an excuse for not testifying, or if he misspoke. But Justice Merchan is informing him that the statement was incorrect. The gag order “does not prohibit you from taking the stand” or limit what he can say, the judge says.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial

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After Justice #Merchan explained #Trump’s freedom to speak as a #witness, he concluded, “please let your attorney know” if you have any more questions. Note that Todd #Blanche, the lead defense #lawyer, nodded along when Trump made the comments in question outside the courtroom yesterday.

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This morning, when speaking to cameras inside the courthouse, #Trump said #Merchan was trying to take away his constitutional rights.

He said his team will file a lawsuit today challenging the #GagOrder’s constitutionality

He railed against DA #AlvinBragg & Merchan, saying they're corrupt & a "disgrace to this country"&"this court."

"It's a cabal going on, by the way,"Trump said, adding they're trying to get Biden re-elected. [#ConspiracyTheory #QAnon]

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #MobTactics

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#Blanche, #Trump's lawyer, is arguing about how a #WashingtonPost article should be discussed at the #TrumpTrial today.

He says he expects a witness to testify today about how the #AccessHollywood tape affected his 2016 campaign.
That appears to be a reference to #HopeHicks, who is expected to begin her testimony today.

Blanche is describing a Truth Social post made by Trump as an “alleged” post, a reminder that the defense has refused to stipulate basic facts in the case repeatedly.


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The lawyers are arguing about the #AccessHollywood tape & how it can be introduced.

It’s hard to imagine anyone who isn’t familiar with what #Trump says on the tape, even the jurors.

Justice #Merchan, who has allowed evidence related to the tape, will not let it be heard or watched in court, because he thinks it would be too #prejudicial.

Merchan is displaying his judicial fairness here, despite what Trump, #RightWingMedia & #MAGA claim.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #ElectionInterference

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#Bove, #Trump defense lawyer, is asking Daus questions about *disappearing* message apps on #MichaelCohen’s phone.

Daus explains how law enforcement extracts info from a person’s phone. It’s straightforward w/things like text messages, but w/ apps, like Signal, have “self-destruct” functions that delete messages in seconds.

Bove also asks Daus basic tech stuff, which may just be delay tactic by way of stretching out the trial & an attempt to distract from other testimonies.

#TrumpTrial #law

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#Bove is trying to attach tech issues to the argument that #MichaelCohen can’t be trusted, “We would have to take Michael Cohen’s word for whatever happened in October 2020 with respect to this phone, right?”

Reportedly Daus gave an expression of surprise to this question. I mean he does forensic tech analysis, he’s like: no, I say what’s there, I don’t say stuff’s there that I can’t confirm.

#criminal #law #Trump #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #HushMoney

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During this technical dry testimony, #Trump again appears to be sleeping.

Trump tried to spin this Thurs afternoon in a post to Truth Social:

“I simply close my beautiful blue eyes, sometimes, listen intensely, and take it ALL in!!!”

However, SEVERAL people in his world have confirmed privately that he has been sleeping in court.

.#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #HushMoney #MobTactics #NodFarter #GagOrder #StormyDaniels #KarenMcDougal

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Cross-examination ended

Redirect by prosecutor #Conroy.

On re-direct, Conroy is asks questions that mock #Bove’s cross, implying to the jury that Bove's line of questioning was BS.

Some questions:

“I take it you’re not a friend of Michael Cohen’s?”

“Is it unusual for a phone to be used?”
[Making fun of Bove’s basic #tech questions]

Public in the overflow room reportedly got what Conroy was doing & laughed at the questions & answers

#criminal #law #Trump #TrumpTrial

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Redirect is over & #Trump atty #Bove returns to question Daus again to clarify his cross-examination arguments, saying he was asking about “unknowns” — “gaps in the handling of this data that created risks” for tampering.

Prosecutor #Conroy returns to ask Daus another question in a 2nd re-redirect.

This is a lot of questioning & requestioning for a custodial witness.

Justice #Merchan calls a sidebar hopefully to get these folks to tighten up their questioning.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial

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Georgia Longstreet, the next witness, is a paralegal who monitors social media postings at the Manhattan DA’s office. She will be questioned by prosecutor Rebecca #Mangold.

This is another #CustodialWitness — again only necessary because #Trump’s legal team refused to agree on basic #facts prior to trial.

“Can you briefly describe how #Twitter works?” is a question 🙄.

#AlternativeFacts #Gaslighting #Propaganda #criminal #law #TrumpTrial #conspiracy #ElectionInterference

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Longstreet’s testimony, including a description of the #WaybackMachine, which archives old online postings, is a good primer on #socialmedia basics, for folks who need it, may be necessary for some #jurors, I think during voir dire one said they used a flip phone & had never “seen a podcast”

#criminal #law #Trump #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #HushMoney #StormyDaniels #KarenMcDougal

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Longstreet testified that as part of her work, she has reviewed 5k - 10k #socialmedia posts (poor thing) about the case & saved 1,500 of them.

She added that she checks online sources multiple times a day, including news articles & posts on Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook & Truth Social.

She said she takes screenshots of the posts, adds them to a folder & saves them w/a few words to identify each one.

#criminal #law #Trump #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference

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#Trump defense finally agreed to stipulate to a piece of #evidence — a WaPo article about the #AccessHollywood tape — w/o questioning a witness about it.

The agreement, called a stipulation, was read aloud to the jury & Justice Merchan explains the concept to the jury (for the 1st time bc Trump team hasn’t yet agreed on fact evidence hence the custodial witnesses).

Merchan tells the jury that a #stipulation is info the parties have agreed to w/o the need to call a witness.

#TrumpTrial #law

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Prosecutors play a video #Trump put out right after the #AccessHollywood tape was made public. He acknowledged in the video that he made the comments on the tape. The video statement was recorded after he had earlier refused to apologize, though his aides told him to.

“I’ve said some foolish things, but there’s a big difference between the words & actions of other people,” Trump says in the video, then he attacks Hillary & Bill Clinton.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #ElectionInterference

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Prosecutors enter a series of tweets into #evidence:

Trump attacking Senator John McCain

Trump insisting he never inappropriately touched 2 women who claimed he had

Trump complaining he’d lost female supporters, all from 2016

Defense lawyers fought the admission of these tweets.

Georgia Longstreet describes the posts from the stand.

There’s now a TruthSocial post from March 2023 in which Trump, in colorful terms, denies an affair w/ #StormyDaniels.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial

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The evidence appears designed to lay out #Trump’s tendency to lie, his vulnerability among female voters, & motives for the cover up.

Trump lawyer #Blanche is now cross-examining Georgia Longstreet, asking her about #MichaelCohen & whether she tracked his #socialmedia as part of her job. She says she followed his tweets & his podcast. Asked if she listened to every episode of the podcast, Longstreet responds “absolutely not,” getting a big laugh in the courtroom.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial

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Blanche implies that someone else is writing Trump’s social media posts, the ones Trump posts under his handle on a website that he routinely tells people is the “true voice of America.” lol 😂

#criminal #law #Trump #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #HushMoney #StormyDaniels #KarenMcDougal

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The people call #HopeHicks, Matthew #Colangelo, one of the prosecutors, says.

She is visibly uncomfortable. She is testifying under subpoena. She says she's "nervous.”

Hope Hicks refers to #Trump as “Mr. Trump.” Notably, she says she’s paying for her own lawyer. She says the last time she spoke to Trump was summer or fall of 2022.

That was around the time when text messages she exchanged w/a colleague criticizing the #Jan6 attack were made public.

#criminal #law #Trump #TrumpTrial

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Prosecutor #Colangelo begins questioning #HopeHicks about participating in key meetings.

Hicks acknowledges that she was frequently involved, going in & out of Trump’s office.

Hicks calls #Trump “a very good multitasker & a very hard worker.” 💨🍑

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #HushMoney #StormyDaniels #KarenMcDougal

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#HopeHicks continues flattering her old boss, saying that the #TrumpOrganization was big & successful, but run “like a small family business.” Because of that, she says, “Everybody that works there in some sense reports to Mr. Trump.”

This is good for prosecutors showing #Trump personally ran his affairs; Hicks can come off as praising him while simultaneously harming him.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #HushMoney #StormyDaniels #KarenMcDougal

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#HopeHicks is asked about #KeithSchiller, who was #Trump’s longtime bodyguard. Schiller is a fmr NYPD detective.

Hicks is asked about others who were in Trump's close circle, such as the #TrumpOrganization's fmr CFO, #AllenWeisselberg, & Trump’s assistant, #RhonaGraff.

Trump’s eyes are glued onto Hicks as she begins her testimony. This is the most alert he’s been since the trial started.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #HushMoney #NodFarter

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Colangelo keeps asking #HopeHicks to acknowledge that #Trump oversaw every aspect of her job: “I reported to Mr. Trump” & “Mr. Trump was responsible” are two things she’s just said. Again, this is key for prosecutors, showing that Trump is a hands-on manager — & hoping to convince the jury he would have taken the same hands-on approach as #MichaelCohen brought him news of negative stories to quash.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #HushMoney

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#HopeHicks is emphatic when asked if she checked w/ #Trump before issuing statements about him. “Absolutely,” she says.

Hicks testified that when she began working for Trump in 2015 during his first campaign, the media team consisted of only the 2 of them.

"It was just me & Mr. Trump," Hicks said.

She went on to say that later in the general election there was a larger staff that dealt w/phone calls & other needs around the office.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #ElectionInterference #HushMoney

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#HopeHicks is testifying in detail how #Trump praised David #Pecker, then the publisher of The #NationalEnquirer, after the tabloid ran a story saying one of his #GOP presidential rivals, Dr. Ben Carson, had left a sponge in a young girl’s brain. “Mr. Trump was congratulating him on the great reporting,” she recalls. “This is Pulitzer-worthy,” Hicks says she recalls him saying.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference

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Asked to describe the #NationalEnquirer article attack on #TedCruz’s father, #HopeHicks looks like she is going to laugh: “His father may have been involved with Lee Harvey Oswald” — the man who shot John F. Kennedy — “or something like that.”

Hope Hicks is now being questioned about the “#AccessHollywood” tape & her expression is no longer jovial. She swallows hard & says that yes, she was familiar.

#criminal #law #Trump #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference

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#HopeHicks is shown an email that reporter David Fahrenthold sent her on 7 Oct, 2016, seeking comment on the #AccessHollywood tape. The email contained a transcript of what was said on it.

“I was concerned. Very concerned.…I was concerned about the contents of the email, I was concerned about the lack of time to respond, I was concerned that we had a transcript but not a tape. There was a lot at play.”

#criminal #law #Trump #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #HushMoney

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#HopeHicks is then shown a copy of her email forwarding the message to to “campaign leadership.” The email went to, among other people, Kellyanne Conway & Steve Bannon.

In it, she says: “Need to hear the tape to be sure,” & “Deny, deny, deny.” She describes it to prosecutor Colangelo as a “reflex.”

#criminal #law #Trump #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #HushMoney #MobTactics #NodFarter #GagOrder #StormyDaniels #KarenMcDougal

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#HopeHicks says that when she shared the email from The Washington Post w/ #Trump, one of his initial reactions was to say that his comments about assaulting women “didn’t sound like something he would say.” [he later admits it was him, so = liar]

Hicks says she went to conference room to discuss #AccessHollywood tape & Trump came to see what was happening:

"Everyone was just absorbing the shock of it."

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #HushMoney

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The prosecution played the video #Trump recorded on 7 Oct, 2016, when he acknowledged that he’d said the words on the #AccessHollywood tape & apologized.

Months after being elected, Trump was telling people the tape was a fake.

If a tape came out today, there’s no doubt that Trump would claim it was AI & his voters would believe him. It’s impossible to imagine him apologizing now.

2024 ≠ 2016

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