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Oh fargh... I just realized how daunting this new venture into #Macbook territory is. I have to learn an entirely new operating system as well as an entirely new DAW. I tend to do better at this sort of thing if I have access to an ordered way of doing things, like some sort of course... lessons, etc. There's somebody I'd love to learn from despite the fact I'm stupidly intimidated by them, but I don't think I can afford the nearly $65 an hour price tag. I've just jumped off a cliff and am plummeting toward unknown waters... Help? #Blind #Musician #MacOS #Logic #Komplete #A11y #Voiceover
in reply to Kira-chan

Would it be too late to refund the MacBook and Logic and start over with a nice Windows laptop? Or did you not have a choice in which platform and DAW to use?
in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt Could I do that, yes. But I also wanted to switch to Mac for music production anyway. I just had a moment of what the crap did I just do for a second... LOL