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Items tagged with: Bisexual

There is an incorrect belief that the "bi" in bisexual reinforces the gender binary.

And look, from a very simplistic viewpoint, language-lawyering prefixes it refers to two. Two of what, the word doesn't actually say.

You might argue two sexes, but what two sexes?

What I'd STRONGLY encourage you to do is listen to #bisexual advocates who have been explaining what bisexual means for decades.

From The Bisexual Manifesto of 1990:

"Bisexuality is a whole, fluid identity. Do not assume that bisexuality is binary or dougamous in nature; that we must have "two" sides or that we MUST be involved simultaneously with both genders to be fulfilled human beings. In fact, don't assume that there are only two genders."…

The fact that in 2023 we're still having to tell people that bisexuality is not erasing non-binary and genderqueer people, that identifying at bisexual is not transphobic, that bisexuals have been ongoing allies of the trans and gender diverse communities before Stonewall, and that we exist at all is fucking exhausting.

If you are attracted to people like you and people not like you, if your attraction to people is fluid and based on personality or something other than gender, if you're attracted to more than one gender, then you are welcome to consider bisexuality as a label if that works for you, or any of the other multi-gender attracted labels.

Don't tell people that identifying as bisexual is somehow transphobic, please do some research, and listen to what activists tell you.

#LGBTIQA+ #Identity #ComingOutDay

This is for transgender and bisexual people from your pan non-binary ally. Love you loads, shine with pride 🥰❤️🌈
Working on ace and lesbian sets, feel free to reach out for custom designs ✨️
Adjustable, worldwide shipping.

#trans #transgender #bi #bisexual #queer #pride #gaypride

Holy guacamole! Hey #bisexual peeps, this is an awesome resource I had no idea existed!

new essay! not only debunks "trans social contagion" & "gr00ming" charges, but shows how they're linked, and explains the unconscious thinking behind both anti-trans campaigners' obsession with us & the TERF-to-fascist pipeline.

no paywall link, pls share & give it lots of "claps" (up to 50) so other ppl see it!…

#trans #transgender #gay #lesbian #bisexual #LGBTQ #queer #feminism #socialjustice #sex #gender #sexuality #psychology