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Items tagged with: Tesla

Sendung NANO (11. März 2024): Datenschutz - Autos sind neugieriger, als sie sein dürften. 👇

Ab 00:55 bis ca. 08:55. Sehenswert.…

#auto #tracking #bmw #tesla #datenschutz #dsgvo #datenbroker

Tesla: Hundreds of millions of euros in sabotage costs in Germany
An arson attack on an electricity substation, power was cut off at #Tesla giga factory.
A left-wing German organization claimed responsibility for the sabotage, according to a message posted on an anti-authoritarian website. "With the act of sabotage, we set out to cause the biggest possible blackout at the 'giant Tesla factory'," the #VulkanGruppe (Volcano Group) organization wrote in its statement.

I didn't know that #Tesla cars could fart-on-demand. Today I proved to my son Jake that I'm still a very big kid at heart, but I have absolutely 0 shame.
Warning: Do not drink and drive. Especially do not drink and listen to this at the same time.

:breathe: Tesla's Cybertruck is a dystopian, masturbatory fantasy | Engadget

"Musk admitted it was there for no good reason. “Why did you make it bulletproof?” Musk said. “Why not?” he said with a broad grin, before metaphorically waving his genitals at the cheering crowd, while also promising metaphorically larger genitals to anyone who buys the Cybertruck. “How tough is your truck?” Musk smirked."…

#tesla #cybertruck #musk

Wait wait wait a minute! What the hell is this? Why does #Tesla have a really shitty implementation of a Roland GM/GS synth in it? No mute groups for example? This is just utter junk!

Začala registrace zkušebních jízd na ElektroFest 10. června v Pelhřimově. Moc pěkný výběr aut! Včetně novinky MG 4, která může zamávat s trhem EV (nejen) v Česku.

#elektrofest #mg4 #cupraborn #mach-e #idbuzz #tesla

Elon Musk suspended Linette Lopez from Twitter after years of critical reporting on his companies.

In a new piece, she lays out Elon Musk’s playbook of exploiting workers while building a cult following. These tactics aren’t new. Musk has always been this way, regardless of what former boosters like Kara Swisher want you to believe. They were just happy to ignore it for access while journalists like Lopez did the work.…

#elonmusk #tech #tesla #twitter #spacex
