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Items tagged with: production

If you're not 'optically challenged' like myself, it's likely that sound is just one of those things you don't necessarily think about very often.
Consider however, the sound of the cars passing outside, the birds in the trees, the engine on your bus, car or train to work.
AS well as what your eyes tell you, there's an absolutely fascinating world to be found with the help of your ears, too.
The next time you're on a train, in the back of a cab or perhaps in a cafe drinking your beverage of choice, try closing your eyes and considering whether you can tell what's going on around you simply by the noises in your environment.
Is someone in loud shoes walking toward you and pulling out a chair at the next table?
Is the sound of the person who just got on the train one of someone who's happy, or just trying to get to work?
Sound-listening can be just as interesting as people-watching.
In any case, here's a little story I made about sound, and how I personally perceive it on a daily basis.

A Sonic Journey - A Story In Sound:
#Sound #Story #Demonstration #Audio #Production

A Sonic Journey - A Story In Sound:
#Audio #Production

I just finished and published not one, not two, but three new #short tracks that you can use for #free in your #podcast or other #production of choice. Available to download from here:

anyone know of any #FOSS software / tools I can use to pitchshift some audio without changing duration? or am I going to have to bother our audio team... #audio #music #production
