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Items tagged with: OMEMO

Can anymany tell me how I'm "supposed" to use end-to-end encryption with XMPP?

As far as I can tell there are three totally different ways to do E2EE:

a)OTR : "[](Not intended to be a current standard), or technical specification, as better (albeit, newer and less well tested) methods of end-to-end encryption exist for XMPP. "

b)OpenPGP: There are at least two different XEPs about it. XEP-0027 is obsolete, while XEP-0373 is "experimental" but hasn't been updated in almost three years.

c)OMEMO: "Experimental" and hasn't been updated in over two years.

Is there a way to do E2EE in XMPP which is neither deprecated nor experimental? What's the "Current stable" way to do it?

#XMPP #E2EE #EndToEndEncryption #OMEMO #OpenPGP #OTR

@daniel I use #conversations on Android and #gajim on Linux. Both work fine with #omemo :-)

Oh @kaidan finally supports #OMEMO now? Sweet! But what is the story behind OMEMO 2? What has changed and which clients support it?

Anyone up for some #XMPP / #Jabber test with #OMEMO and in a group?

Join here.

Nothing special, just want to find out if it works, just send some messages with OMEMO encryption or without to see what happens.

great news! I already loved #XMPP as done via @dino and its amazing #OMEMO support (though I mostly stayed with Gajim or #Profanity on the Linux desktop).

To now know that support for Audio/Video calls is implemented is nothing short of amazing! There's no limit to XMPP!