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Items tagged with: XMPP

We are pleased to announce that we got selected in another funding round by the EU’s NGI via the @NLnet Foundation @NGI0 Entrust Fund to work on some important features in Monal:

In short this consists of the following tasks (in no special order):
Implement Dialpad, Rewrite Chat UI, Implement Message Reactions, Rich Replies and Stickers, XSF work and a documentation of Monal's internals

#monal #ios #macos #xmpp #nlnet

Gajim 1.9.2 has been released 🚀

This release brings an important OMEMO encryption fix, native notifications on Windows, usability improvements, and many bugfixes. Thank you for all your contributions!

#xmpp #gajim #chat…

#Libervia se joint aux autres signataires de la lettre ouverte pour soutenir #NLnet/le programme #NGI qui se voient couper le financement pour 2025.

C'est grâce à ce programme que je peux travailler actuellement à plein temps sur le projet, et que nous avons pu implémenter:
- la passerelle #ActivityPub <=> #XMPP
- le chiffrement de bout en bout à l'état de l'art
- Les appels audio/video 1:1, contrôle à distance et conferences (travail en cours)…

Huge thanks to @mattj and @ralphm for their time today. I'm delighted to be getting acquainted with leadership at @xmpp – there are _so_ many things we can learn from each other and collaborate on.

It's free, open, federated communications versus the forces of centralization and proprietary walled gardens!

#XMPP #Matrix #FOSS #OpenSource #Interoperability

Thanks to and we have a redesigned home page for

#XMPP #FreeSoftware #FOSS #OpenSource

We are hosting a public XMPP / #Jabber service for 8+ years and you can request an account now. You can learn more about XMPP / Jabber at

With a account and app like Monocles Chat or Monal, you can talk to users of many others messaging apps like Quicksy or Prav.

#XMPP #community sprint comes to an end

Developers of #Dino @dino, #Kaidan @kaidan, #Libervia @Goffi, #Monal @Monal, #Prose @prose, #Renga (#HaikuOS) and even #Debian and #ejabberd met in #Berlin to work on e.g. "#XEP-0394: #MessageMarkup", #OMEMO, and A/V calls.

Thanks to the #XSF @xmpp for sponsoring yesterday's dinner and very big thanks to #Wikimedia Deutschland e.V. @wikimediaDE for hosting us! 🙏

#Jabber #freeSoftware #digitalSovereignty

We're currently at #Berlin #XMPP sprint organized by @debacle, nice and productive ambiance.

Yesterday we have fixed a bug in #Libervia preventing #Debian packaging, today we're working on #OMEMO 2 interoperability with #Kaidan and later we'll work on A/V calls interoperability with #Dino . There are also people from #Haiku #Renga, from #Prose and from #Monal .

Switched from a web based registration form to an invite based approach for my XMPP server.

And I have to say: The registration page looks nice and provides useful suggestions for clients.

#XMPP #Prosody

The #XMPP Newsletter for June 2024 is out!

Read about the latest XMPP universe updates and the latest updates on our #standards!…

Enjoy reading! 📰 ☕

#jabber #decentralization #federation #chat

I got these messages whenever a message is sent on my XMPP server:

Jul 04 11:17:49 datamanager error Failed to load archive storage ('/var/lib/prosody/plaws%2efr/archive/user.list:264387: unfinished string near <eof>') for user:
Jul 04 11:17:49 error Could not archive stanza: Error reading storage

I think it delays a lot every messages I send. They take 2-3 seconds to be sent.

I looked on the Internet but I can't find a solution or someone with the same problem.

From my understanding it is due to "mam". Can anyone help ?

#XMPP #Jabber #Prosody

Il video dell'#XMPP Italian Happy Hour di Giugno é online; I temi:
- #Chatcontrol
- La fragilità dei progetti di sw libero, ancora (Il caso di Xerolinux)
- La liberazione di Julian #Assange (c'entra con XMPP? forse sì)

Lo trovate sul canale Peertube dell'Happy Hour:…

Running commands of your servers or bots from Libervia CLI.

In this video, I show how to use the Libervia CLI to run ad-hoc commands, a powerful feature of XMPP that allows you to execute custom commands on your server or client. I'll demonstrate how to list available commands, run a command to get the server uptime, and send an announcement to all users. This tutorial is a great way to learn more about the Libervia CLI and how to use it to automate tasks and interact with your XMPP ecosystem.

Better means better for me, right? 🙂 Because you might have totally different criteria.

Relevant for me:

1. Software must be in #Debian — or it does not exist. Debian has at least one Matrix server and multiple clients. But no Deltachat server or clients so far.

2. I use #Jabber​/​#XMPP for chat. For Matrix, I use a bridge (#slidge For Deltachat, no such bridge exists, AFAIK.

Matrix 2 — 0 Deltachat

To briefly answer your question on what’s the deal with the #XMPP mailing lists. Most discussion happens (sort of unsurprisingly 😉) on XMPP.
Developer discussions happen here:
on sys admin stuff here:… or in the channels for the specific server software.

Just the slower paced standards discussions (for which we also want a more permanent record) happens on a mailing list.


Okay, this one might not go so well with people but this is a draft I've been sitting on since May.

Here is my opinions about the current going alternatives to Discord, especially #Matrix and #XMPP. We need to talk about this rather now than soon.'s%…

‼️ Comunità #XMPP:
📢 Annuncio: Eventi mensili in italiano sulla messaggistica XMPP! 🇮🇹
📆 Quando? Mercoledì 3 Luglio alle 18:00
✍️ Dettagli e iscrizione su Mobilizon -…
I temi:
- #Chatcontrol
- La fragilità dei progetti di sw libero, ancora (Il caso di Xerolinux)
- La liberazione di Julian #Assange (c'entra con XMPP? forse sì)

Vous recherchez une messagerie instantanée, à deux ou en groupe, avec des appels audio et vidéo à deux, qui respecte vraiment votre vie privée ?

Notre Chapril (qui fournit des services en ligne, libres et loyaux) propose un service XMPP libre et gratuit compatible avec les applications gérant les appels audio et vidéo (telles que Conversations, Blabber, Movim, Monocles sous Android, ou #MonalIM sous iOS) et bien d'autres

Pour découvrir, se créer un compte ➡️


Conseguí que dos familiares me sigan contactando por #XMPP gracias a #Quicksy. Es ideal para recomendar a nuestros contactos. Por nuestra parte, para facilitar las cosas, debemos meter nuestro JID y número de teléfono. Cuesta dinero hacerlo una vez, pero bueno, es más realista pagar nosotros que nuestros contactos. Y apoyamos a @daniel

Ich überlege gerade einen Vortrag auf den #Datenspuren in Dresden einzureichen.
Der grobe Aufhänger wäre was ich aus 10 Jahre #Conversations_im gelernt habe. Wie sich #XMPP weiter entwickelt hat aber auch wie das finanziell funktioniert Vollzeit an Open Source zu arbeiten.
Gibt es weitere Themenbereiche die euch in diesem Zusammenhang interessieren und die in den Vortrag passen würden?

the same holds for #xmpp. Plus 1:1 chats and voice/video calls :)

Para aquel que quiera montar un servidor de #XMPP fácil , existe #Snikket (recomendado por @thecoffemaker ).
Y para configurar bien el servidor les dejo este post(agradezcanle a @pijusmagnificus) :…

Va directo al grano y sin tanto lío.

Yo en 30 minutos lo tenia andando.

What is your preferred way to chat or communicate with other people?

#chat #irc #xmpp #matrix

  • IRC (9%, 21 votes)
  • XMPP (33%, 73 votes)
  • Matrix (29%, 64 votes)
  • Other (27%, 60 votes)
218 voters. Poll end: 4 weeks ago

Now all of my close friends, with whom I chat regularly, are on #xmpp! I'll be trying to get some more people. I had to distribute the Conversations app directly to them as they were unlikely to install "one more app" (viz. f-droid) to install Conversations.

I try not to mention the word "xmpp", instead I say "Just install Conversations". As hearing the word "xmpp" will probably scare them as well.


Short update for everyone: So far we have only managed to collect EUR 202.45 for the new development iPhone. ~ About EUR 150 is still missing.

#Monal #xmpp #ios

Gajim 1.9.1 has been released 🎉

This release introduces a menu button, adds improvements for Security Labels, and fixes some bugs. Thank you for all your contributions!

#gajim #xmpp #chat…

Movim 0.25 is out! With many exciting features such as file upload improvements, automatic nightmode and simplified admin configuration 😋

Checkout the complete changelog on our blog… 🥳

If you are enjoying using Movim daily or just want to support us do not hesitate to join our Patreon 😊

#movim #release #xmpp

Over the last months, we've completely redesigned and rewritten @dino 's accounts and settings dialogs. The dialogs are combined into a single one now, which is adaptive and offers additional features like an option for OMEMO by default. The rewrite also resolves a number of issues and feature requests that were raised with the old implementation. It's still work in progress and will require further polishing.

#dino #xmpp #gtk #libadwaita

Introducing Libervia: A Universal Communication Ecosystem

This is the first video of a series of short videos about Libervia, where I'll be showcasing the project's features, design ideas, and tutorials.
In this video, I'll give a quick introduction to Libervia and demonstrate the web frontend using the Docker demo.
Stay tuned for future videos, where we'll dive deeper into specific features, design choices, and tutorials.

#Monal 6.4.0 #xmpp client for iOS just got released 🥳 (the macOS build is still pending Apple's review).

Notable changes are:
- support for channel management
- a complete rework of group management ui
- SVG support for received images and avatars
- complete restructured settings menu resembling #Conversations' new settings menu
- many bugfixes and better translations

Many thanks to all translators!!

You can help translating the app into your language over here:…

There is a #xmpp client named #gajim. They have keyboard shortcuts. One of them is CTRL U to delete the currently typed message.

First: Why the fuck would anyone want a keyboard shortcut for that?

Second: I often use CTRL SHIFT U to enter Unicode characters. You'll never guess what happens every now and then…

Oh, and CTRL ↑ edits the previous message, and in the process, also deletes the message I'm typing. I use CTRL ←/→ to jump between words, and … yup.

What is your favorite XMPP client?

I'm trying to collect what #XMPP clients are usable with screen readers.

weirdwriter recommended:
Windows: MirandaNG
iOS: Monal and Siskin,
Android Conversations is rumored to be decent.
Web: Conversejs

So does anyone else have experience with using jabber clients with screen readers on Android, OS X, or Linux? Does that match other screen reader users experiences?


Oh please, oh please, can we bring back #IRC and forums again? Or at least XMPP chat rooms again? I’m not sure how #Discord is for sided people, but I just had the app crash three times because it was trying to load a conversation and voiceover acted like the app had not loaded yet. It’s slow down my iPhone to the point where it took five minutes to go to my app switcher. it was hogging so many resources that there was a two or three second delay when swiping through the conversation chains and threads. I’m sure it looks pretty, I just don’t understand why sided people love discord so much, especially since it’s just a bloated IRC client look alike. I also legitimately don’t know how other blind people find it perfect on mobile. From the screen reader point of view, the desktop website is much better in my opinion but the mobile apps are legitimately the worst piece of software that I ever encountered in a while. #Chat #IM #Forums #Forum #XMPP

Gajim 1.9.0 est sortit

« Six mois après la dernière version, Gajim 1.9.0 est là 🎉 Cette version apporte le support longtemps attendu des réponses aux messages et des réactions. La modération de messages a aussi été améliorée. Dites bonjour aux messages vocaux ! Merci pour toutes vos contributions ! »…


Moxxy UI: May 2024 progress report

This month I worked on the Chat screen. Feel free to send me some feedback, especially about the blur filter because I feel like I need an outside perspective on the subject!…

#moxxy #ui #xmpp #penpot

I threw up an add-on in the Odoo App Store to add an XMPP address (JID) field to contacts, vendors, and other contacts! If your business uses XMPP and Odoo, maybe it will be useful to you!…

#XMPP #Odoo #Jabber

Half a year after the last release, Gajim 1.9.0 is finally here. 🎉

This release brings long awaited support for message replies and message reactions. 👍

Message Moderation has been improved as well.

Say hello to voice messages! 📣

Thank you for all your contributions!

#gajim #xmpp #chat…