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Items tagged with: PHPLedge

Thank you @tobias and @kde for donating 100 COVID rapid antigen tests to #MatrixConf! They are available at the registration desk for anyone who wants one.

I've been testing daily – I always do during conferences – and encourage other folks to do the same! Especially if you find yourself feeling a bit off.

Open source is nothing if not community, and it's important that we each do our part to keep each other safe from easily avoidable harm.

#HealthAndSafety #FOSS #OpenSource #PHPLedge #PublicHealthPledge

Annnnd the air quality monitoring array has been deployed at #MatrixConf! Can you guess which room the BarCamp is starting in? 😂

Tomorrow will be the real test of the venue's ventilation, as we're expecting about 4x the attendees that we have today.

We take the #HealthAndSafety of our community seriously and are requiring masks indoors this year. The data we collect will help us calibrate our approach with this venue when we return!

#PHPledge #PublicHealthPledge #AQI #COVID #OpenSource #FOSS

:opensource: The #AllThingsOpen #opensource conference is this coming Tuesday & Wednesday in the US.

:covid19: They are taking some but not all of the necessary #COVID19 precautions from #PHPledge so I will be attending the free-of-charge virtual option, which you may want to do as well.

The stream covers some event content via their proprietary SaaS provider. You do have to register so your (real or fake) personal data can be monetized by sponsors.
