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Items tagged with: academicchatter

If I had a nickel for every academic jackass who thinks student disability accommodations should be resisted or refused, I'd never have a penny of debt again in my life.

Stop asking how to get around or refuse accommodations for students with disabilities. Just stop. Obey the law and honor the accommodations. Simple.


It's World Philosophy Day!

Here is an article I wrote on ethics and metaethics. It's for a general audience. Do share if you enjoy reading it!…

#academicchatter #philosophy

This issue was a tough one to publish, but I need you to know: If you're struggling in #academia, you are not alone. 🫶

Please share with anyone who needs to hear this.

I quit academia and I don't regret it at all.
In the post I am sharing why I am happier and feel like I am doing more for the scientific community outside of academia.

#academiclife #openscience #academicchatter #ichbinhanna…