Items tagged with: highered


Items tagged with: highered

🤯 OMG! Someone just posted on Reddit bragging how he fed 13 MILLION records to Gemini to clean up. What records? "mostly dead scrambled data institutions, college, student records, course materials, research datasets. Used Gemini for cleaning, deduping, and organizing. Super useful for universities, EdTech, and students handling large study resources." #FERPA #Privacy #HigherEd #EdTech #Google #Gemini…

Fellow comrades in #academia - there’s a very cool project launching called Science Homecoming, that allows you to find local papers from your hometown and encourages you to pitch them an opinion piece about the current attacks on #science and #highered.

I pitched a piece to my hometown paper and they got back to me in about 10 minutes saying they definitely wanted to see it. So think this is a simple thing to do with high impact potential

More info here 👇

I heard a discussion at #FOSSY24 regarding "FOSS outside of corporations," referring to the origin of the Free and #OpenSource software movement, beginning with hobbyists and foundations.

Thought I would also include the early contributions to FOSS from and through #HIgherEducation. Many foundational projects have their roots in #HigherEd.

Here's my advice on how to design your course to be more ADHD-friendly. Many of these tips will help students regardless of #ADHD diagnosis: scaffolding large projects and being abundantly consistent about instructions.

#Academia #UDL #HigherEd #AcademicChatter #DisabledInSTEM…

OK, trying an experiment with my Programming Languages class!

• Have an AI generate some of your writing assignment.
• Critique its output. Call BS on its BS.

Assignment details in screenshots below. I’ll let you know how it goes.

(Here are the links from the screenshots:)

Raw AI Text:…

Comments on AI Text:…

(Better) Human Text…

#ai #chatgpt #education #writing #highered
#swift #proglang

My favorite outcome so far: a student remarked (paraphrasing here) that she didn’t realize how much she had to say in her paper until she saw how wrong the AI was, how much it missed the point.

Observing her own reaction to BS about her topic made her realize she’d underestimated the extent of her own newly-forming knowledge. That…that is the sort of outcome an educator dreams of.

#ai #chatgpt #education #writing #highered
