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Items tagged with: ATAG

The FFG Austria shared insights into their #a11y monitoring of 2023. The top detected issues, including 2 new ones, were:

1. Info and relationships
2. Non-text content
3. Name, role, value
4. Logical order when using a keyboard
5. Visible focus (new)
6. Text contrast
7. Keyboard (new)

Here is their website with the whole report (in German):

Or their flyer (PDF in German):


@Piciok showed us how blind gamers play with a live #gaming session that had me invested. He highlighted that besides audio descriptions, different sounds for (interactive) elements are essential. They are what make games not only accessible but more fun and faster to play than others.


I would love some support on this #CKEditor5 issue

So many accessibility errors can be fixed with #ATAG. #A11YFirst does a great job making a #WYSISYG better.

I like the early #accessibility tips from especially the bits at the end where admins can add CSS to help support their authors to create better content.

I wonder if there are more tools to help authors create more accessible content. #ATAG 2.0 is really powerful, yet old school social media hasn't adopted it.