Items tagged with: Advice
We need a printer for the home office.
Small footprint is probably the top thing, because space is tight. Think something a bit bigger than a sheet of A4 for the ideal.
But we print rarely, so don't want the ink to dry up. It needs to be pulled out after 6-9 months of inactivity and work.
I am so lost with inktanks versus inkjet and have never seen a small laser printre.
#Advice on buying a new #printer in the #UK welcome.
Hi, all.
I realize this is a far cry from my usual posts, but I'm desperately trying to find work, as I know are so many others.
I don't have a wide range of interests, but anything that will make my CV more interesting is a plus, so I'm on the hunt for a potential list of free and accredited online courses.
If anyone knows where I can find something like this, please please let me know. I'll do anything to fill my time if it feels within reach of my current skillset, and hopefully that skillset can slowly expand as a result.
Anything helps. Thank you in advance.