Items tagged with: BuyFromEU


Items tagged with: BuyFromEU

Someone here suggested WERO, we read about it and have just activated it in our bank. It was very simple and took 2 or 3 clicks.

An all-in-one digital wallet solution:

Wero is a new European payment system designed to modernize the way we handle transactions across the continent. Launched in 2024, it aims to unify various national payment solutions into a single platform.

Wero is the brainchild of the European Payments Initiative (EPI), a consortium of 16 European banks. The initiative was born out of a need to create a sovereign and unified payment solution for Europe, reducing dependence on non-European payment systems like Visa & Mastercard.

With Wero, sending money to friends and family will be much easier because it allows you to send and receive $$ instantly using just an email address, phone number, or QR code. No more IBANS, 3 days of waiting to receive 💸 etc.

It's also a good alternative for Paypal 🇺🇸 and it is designed to replace several national payment solutions, including Giropay 🇩🇪, Paylib 🇫🇷, Payconiq 🇧🇪 🇱🇺 and iDEAL 🇳🇱 which not always work cross-borders.

The roadmap is full of features to be implemented like online and in-store payment.

For the moment, it's available only in Germany, France and Belgium.


#europeanalternatives #wero #paypal #BuyFromEU #bank

This New Open-Source Alternative to Google Docs and Notion Is Backed by France and Germany

Docs is an web-based collaborative text editor that is the result of a joint effort led by the French 🇫🇷🥖 (DINUM) and German 🇩🇪🥨 governments (ZenDiS).

It's a good alternative to popular services like Notion, Google Docs and Outline.

The platform offers real-time collaboration capabilities, a sleek minimalist interface, and all the essential features you could possibly need.

Best of all, Docs is open-source on GitHub and can be self-hosted, making it a viable option for local agencies and companies.

You can test Docs on your browser by visiting this page:


using the login:

password: I'd<3ToTestDocs…

You can also volunteer to help translating Docs to other languages here:…

#europe #europeanalternatives #germany #france #opensource #BuyFromEU

Have you already switched your Gmail to a new e-mail provider?

If no, what are you waiting for? 😀

If yes, which one? Was it difficult to migrate? Do you like the design of your new providers interface? Do you find it easy to use? Are you happy with it?

Tell us more about your experience!

#boycott #BuyFromEU #degoogle #gmail #email

  • Yes, full migration (Gmail deleted) (24%, 54 votes)
  • Yes, but I'll keep my Gmail for a while (46%, 103 votes)
  • No, but I plan to do soon (8%, 19 votes)
  • Not yet, I don't know which alternative to choose (16%, 37 votes)
  • No, I'm satisfied with Gmail (4%, 10 votes)
223 voters. Poll end: 3 weeks ago
