Items tagged with: boycott


Items tagged with: boycott

They want to tell you the boycotts don’t work…except Target has already lost over 16 billion since they trashed DEI. Walmart stores are empty & while I can’t find figures on losses…truth will out eventually. And Tesla alone has lost over 750 Billion.
People aren’t flying to US.
Keep up the good work people. You may not see the results published and they may say it doesn’t work, but it clearly does.
#resist #resistance #boycott

Have you already switched your Gmail to a new e-mail provider?

If no, what are you waiting for? 😀

If yes, which one? Was it difficult to migrate? Do you like the design of your new providers interface? Do you find it easy to use? Are you happy with it?

Tell us more about your experience!

#boycott #BuyFromEU #degoogle #gmail #email

  • Yes, full migration (Gmail deleted) (24%, 54 votes)
  • Yes, but I'll keep my Gmail for a while (46%, 103 votes)
  • No, but I plan to do soon (8%, 19 votes)
  • Not yet, I don't know which alternative to choose (16%, 37 votes)
  • No, I'm satisfied with Gmail (4%, 10 votes)
223 voters. Poll end: 3 weeks ago

De-google-ify Internet

Amazing campaign by the French not-for-profit association Framasoft.

The De-google-ify Internet project offers 26 ethical and alternative online tools that may be used by everyone.

They build open source alternatives to many Google services like Youtube, Agenda, Docs, Forms, Maps etc, as well other services to replace Doodle, Facebook Event, Github, Zoom, Slack and much more!

Check their beautiful website, watch the videos to know more about their work and follow them here in Mastodon:


#europe #opensource #europeanalternatives #EUtech #boycott #degoogle #google