Items tagged with: FolkMusic


Items tagged with: FolkMusic

As there seems to have been another uptick in participation here, a quick summary #introduction (fuller one is pinned). I'm a UK-based (Londoner now living on #isleofwight) folklorist. Started off interested in #folksong, spread to wider interest in #folk #folklore.

Did an MA, liked it, so did a PhD on Contemporary Belief in #Ghosts -….

Currently on the Council of the Folklore Society, Associate Editor of its journal Folklore, & on the editorial board of #FolkMusic Journal. Until end of year I'm Research Fellow on #FolkloreWithoutBorders research network on EDI in British folkloristics.

I've written on #ghostlore, folklore about #rats, #cannibalism at sea, tongue twisters, popular representation of folkloristics. Increasingly working on folklore's history. Shiny research profile here:…

this is being sold as "a Japanese flute". seller doesn't know which. at first glance I thought it was a shinobue but... well, look at it.

anyone knows what type of instrument is this? it might not even be Japanese, but it looks too well-built to be a generic souvenir. can a music person tell me what are those four bottom holes in parallel?

*edit*: best current candidate is the xiāo…

#music #folkMusic #flute it's not a #shakuhachi but maybe shaku ppl know