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Items tagged with: Wikimedia

So etwas wie gibt es wohl nicht in #Europa?

Ein öffentliches, nichtkommerzielles, gemeinnütziges, allgemeines #digital#Archiv oder eine Art digitale #Bibliothek für #Medien wie #Audio#Podcast#Video? und #WikimediaCommons scheint mir in Sachen Audio nicht annähernd so geeignet wie für Bilder. Oder übersehe ich etwas?


Wikipedia mentions that it's Global Accessibility Awareness Day on the English version's main page, but to create an account on there and many of the Wikimedia Foundation's other projects you have to complete an inaccessible captcha. They offer an option for someone to create an account for you if you can't fill it in, but that's not good enough.
There's been a ticket open about this since 2006 according to the date stamp and nothing's been done.…
#GAAD #Wikipedia #Wikimedia

I am forever grateful to the people who contribute images to Wikimedia Commons and make them available under CC0 licenses. It's a tremendous resource for open-source projects, where typically you don't have the funding to pay for the rights to use a stock image from one of the commercial services.

Today I wanted an image of a baler (a farm machine that makes bales of hay) for use in a new software project, and found a nice one by Glendon Kuhns.…

#OpenSource #Wikimedia