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Items tagged with: Women

Far-right Republicans’ latest target? No-fault #divorce >>>

"For years now, a number of #conservative commentators and #extremist lawmakers have been grumbling that getting #divorced these days is too damn easy and something needs to be done about it to save the sanctity of #marriage and uphold family #values. Which, when you translate it from #Republican-speak to plain English, means: we need to make it easier for men to treat #women like their #property."…

People keep saying 'you shouldn't do this', 'you shouldn't do that' and just scold you to try and get you to be better at securing your information and no matter what it doesn't seem like enough

I've got a password manager! Yubikeys! I browse the net using a mullvad VPN. Hell, I've replaced every damn gadget in my house with a smart equivalent! What more do you want me to do??

#MastoDev #InfoSec #InformationSecurity #Respect #Women #FOSS #InternationalWomensDay #technology #linux

International Women's Day is approaching, and I always do a folktale selection on my blog for it.
So far, I've had:

🐉 Women slaying monsters
⚔️ Women in war
⚕️ Woman healers
👭 Women helping women
👵 Badass grandmas

Trying to come up with a theme for this year's post. Any suggestions?

Read the posts here:…

#folklore #folktales #women #InternationalWomensDay #blogging #mythology

In Filipino families, the eldest daughter is the "parentified" sibling, bearing "the brunt of domestic responsibilities: they are expected to cook, clean, run errands, and babysit their siblings while the parents are out working."

#Philippines #Filipinos #Women #Families #FilipinoCulture #Pinas #Pinoy #SpotPH #TootSEA #Asia #Asian…

Utah is now asking for detailed menstrual information for girls looking to register for high school sports.

#gender #rights #feminism #lgbtq #lgbt #lgbtqia #trans #transgender #misogyny #women #girls

What a great way to finish this year with a great book by Emma Donoghue “The Sealed Letter”,…
#fiction #literature #women

Fission is in the news, but few recognize that a woman physicist was behind the discovery.

Lise Meitner’s brilliance led to the discovery of nuclear fission. But her long time collaborator Otto Hahn, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry w/o her in 1944, even though she had given the first theoretical explanation.

Albert Einstein called Meitner “our Marie Curie." She also adamantly refused to work on the atomic bomb during WWII.… #women #history #science #energy

Did you know Monopoly was invented by a woman named Elizabeth Magie in 1903?

Originally ‘The Landlord’s Game,’ it was designed as a protest against the big monopolists like Carnegie & Rockefeller.

But it was Charles Darrow, an unemployed salesman, who eventually sold it to Parker Brothers after playing a version.

Parker Brothers credited Monopoly with saving their company. Magie died in 1948 without recognition. Darrow became very wealthy & his legend lives on. #history #women #HistoryRemix