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Items tagged with: diabloiv

I posted this on but here goes, trying to reach out as best I can about this.
#blind #DiabloIV streamers out there, the dungeon assists are not out yet. Please, if your gonna stream this, know this ahead of time because its pretty concerning to see people stream for a bit til they get through to a dungeon, give up in the middle because they can't easily navigate it, and then attempt to move on or quit altogether, It was never going to be in in this pTR, Drew has only been attempting a solution for the past couple of months. I suggest skipping the campaign and doing overworld stuff and leveling up that way, and if you can't skip the campaign because you didn't complete the prologue, attempt to make your way through the dungeon anyway and make your way to Kiovoshad afterwards. The dungeon is trust me... not really that hard to navigate without the assists anyway, its a square-like dungeon and probably the easiest in the game to hit your way through. Where people got the idea dungeon nav was out yet I don't know, but it isn't at the moment. This is not directed toward anyone, but I see multiple streamers doing this and its a little bit concerning when expectations for this was just set for the overworld nav to be ready to go for October and nothing more until a solution for dungeons was implemented later on.

SO when the #accessibility testing, advocating and fixing becomes a bit much it can be rather cathartic to, rather than take " we'll maybe at some point get to this eventually possibly maybe" , you just fireball your obstacles out of existence.
I do gaming stoofs too on this tiny little #twitch channel simply called Zersiax, and will be checking out some #diabloIV over there in half an hour. If the new #openSSH vuln is making you sad or the ladybird dev's got you down on your luck, come see stuff getting exploded, it helps, I promise :) See you then, over at https;// #selfPromo #gaming #noTechStuffForAChange