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Items tagged with: lists

I still haven't run out of tips to share... :ablobcatcoffee:
Lists are a feature many are used to from the Bird Site, but they function differently here. They are a great tool for you to make your own custom timelines.

Check out this short guide video on what lists are as well as how to set them up for yourself.

Yet again, thanks for the #boosts and subs. I love the culture of sharing here. :comfymelt:

#lists #feditips #twittermigration #youtube

Do you follow too many people?

Do you want to organise your Mastodon home timeline into several themed mini-timelines that are easier to navigate?

You can do this on Mastodon using the "Lists" feature, and here's a guide all about it:


You can use Lists on third party apps like Tusky for Android or Metatext for iPhone/iPad, or on your server's website.

#Mastodon #Lists