Items tagged with: make
Verbesserung: März statt Februar
Do-It-Blind (DIB) Besprechung
Learn using BigBlueButton, the trusted open-source web conferencing solution that enables seamless virtual collaboration and online learning
Do-It-Blind (DIB) Besprechung
Learn using BigBlueButton, the trusted open-source web conferencing solution that enables seamless virtual collaboration and online learning
Do-It-Blind (DIB) Besprechung
Learn using BigBlueButton, the trusted open-source web conferencing solution that enables seamless virtual collaboration and online learning
Top Tech Tidbits for Thursday, February 27, 2025 - Volume 1004
The Top Tech Tidbits newsletter. The world's #1 online resource for current news and trends in access technology.Top Tech Tidbits - A Mind Vault Solutions, Ltd. Publication⌠#make #blind #inklusion #osh
Do-It-Blind (DIB) Besprechung
Learn using BigBlueButton, the trusted open-source web conferencing solution that enables seamless virtual collaboration and online learning
Do-It-Blind (DIB) Besprechung
Learn using BigBlueButton, the trusted open-source web conferencing solution that enables seamless virtual collaboration and online learning
Do-It-Blind (DIB) Besprechung
Learn using BigBlueButton, the trusted open-source web conferencing solution that enables seamless virtual collaboration and online learning
Do it blind 13 im metalab
Unseren dreizehnten Do it blind (DIB) Workshop im metalab und damit den Ersten im neuen Jahr 2025 haben wir am 27. Jänner abgehalten.Oskar
Do-It-Blind (DIB) Besprechung
Learn using BigBlueButton, the trusted open-source web conferencing solution that enables seamless virtual collaboration and online learning
Do-It-Blind (DIB) Besprechung
Learn using BigBlueButton, the trusted open-source web conferencing solution that enables seamless virtual collaboration and online learning
Do-It-Blind (DIB) Besprechung
Learn using BigBlueButton, the trusted open-source web conferencing solution that enables seamless virtual collaboration and online learning
Projekt Define / Define Beschriftung ¡ GitLab
3D print lettering with Braille and profiled lettering; 3D-Druck-Beschrifung mit Braille- und ProfilschriftGitLab
Do-It-Blind (DIB) Besprechung
Learn using BigBlueButton, the trusted open-source web conferencing solution that enables seamless virtual collaboration and online learning
Do-It-Blind (DIB) Besprechung
Learn using BigBlueButton, the trusted open-source web conferencing solution that enables seamless virtual collaboration and online learning
Do-It-Blind (DIB) Besprechung
Learn using BigBlueButton, the trusted open-source web conferencing solution that enables seamless virtual collaboration and online learning
Wir fordern Deinstitutionalisierung. Jetzt
Anlässlich des internationalen Tages der Menschen mit Behinderungen sprechen Klaus Widl, Roswitha Schachinger, Martin Ladstätter, Manuela Lanzinger, Eva Leut...YouTube
Do-It-Blind (DIB) Besprechung
Learn using BigBlueButton, the trusted open-source web conferencing solution that enables seamless virtual collaboration and online learning
Do-It-Blind (DIB) Besprechung
Learn using BigBlueButton, the trusted open-source web conferencing solution that enables seamless virtual collaboration and online learning
#make #blind #inklusionâŚ
Der Inhalt des Getränkekßhlschranks im metalab wird durch taktile Profilschrift und Braille fßr Menschen mit Blindheit oder Seheinschränkung zugänglicher. Baupläne fßr den Nachbau Creative Commons ...MakerTube
Innere Stadt: Im "Metalab" wird Platz fĂźr Projekte und Tratsch gemacht - Innere Stadt
In der RathausstraĂe 6 befindet sich das sogenannte "Metalab". Die Räumlichkeiten bieten allen Interessierten Platz fĂźr eigenständige Arbeit, gemeinsame Projekte und gemĂźtlichen Tratsch. WIEN/INNERE STADT.Nathanael Peterlini (
Do-It-Blind (DIB) Besprechung
Learn using BigBlueButton, the trusted open-source web conferencing solution that enables seamless virtual collaboration and online learning
Do-It-Blind (DIB) Besprechung
Learn using BigBlueButton, the trusted open-source web conferencing solution that enables seamless virtual collaboration and online learning
Do-It-Blind (DIB) Besprechung
Learn using BigBlueButton, the trusted open-source web conferencing solution that enables seamless virtual collaboration and online learning
Do-It-Blind (DIB) Besprechung
Learn using BigBlueButton, the trusted open-source web conferencing solution that enables seamless virtual collaboration and online learning
Do-It-Blind (DIB) Besprechung
Learn using BigBlueButton, the trusted open-source web conferencing solution that enables seamless virtual collaboration and online learning