Items tagged with: meson
Over the last months the Rust/cargo support in meson improved a lot.
It's now ready to build and install a GTK4 Rust application with around 70 dependencies without having to write almost any custom build glue for the dependencies.…
The application in question is just a small experiment of mine for rayon and GTK4 input handling / rendering. The more or less same should work for other GTK4 applications at this point.
All this still depends on two unmerged meson PRs, but it's a huge step forward from the situation just a few months ago.
Thanks to the hard work of @xclaesse and dcbaker!
I hope in the future this will allow GNOME applications written in Rust to have a less strange and fragile build setup than what they have right now with mixing cargo and meson.
#rustlang #rust #gtk #gnome #meson #mesonbuild
GitHub - sdroege/mandelbrot: GTK/Rust based viewer for the Mandelbrot set
GTK/Rust based viewer for the Mandelbrot set. Contribute to sdroege/mandelbrot development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
Over the Easter holidays I experimented a bit with building Rust code with meson instead of cargo.
Specifically I tried building a GStreamer plugin with a few dozen Rust dependencies, but the same applies in a similar way to GTK/GNOME applications or literally anything else.
A write-up of the results with a lot of details can be found here:…
#RustLang #GStreamer #GNOME #GTK #meson #cargo #BuildSystems
We are dropping the Autotools build for GTK 3.x, and have fully switched to Meson. If you package GTK 3 and you are still using Autotools, now is the time to switch.
For more information, see the announcement on Discourse:…
#gtk #meson #autotools #distro #packaging
Removing the Autotools build for GTK 3
The next GTK 3 release, 3.24.46, will drop support for building with Autotools. GTK has been using Meson in its main development branch since 2016, and in the gtk-3-24 branch since 2018. While we did not officially support the Meson build in the 3.GNOME Discourse