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Items tagged with: physics

I have a favour to ask of a condensed matter physicist on behalf of a friend.

If you class yourself as a "condensed matter physicist", or "condensed matter physics adjacent", would you mind giving me a ping?


(PS: Please boost for reach ... much obliged)

#Physics #CondensedMatterPhysics

J. J. Thomson, who was born #OTD in 1856, received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1906 for his discovery of the electron, the first subatomic particle to be found.

Thomson was also a teacher, and seven of his students went on to win Nobel Prizes: Ernest Rutherford, Lawrence Bragg, Charles Barkla, Francis Aston, Charles Thomson Rees Wilson, Owen Richardson and Edward Victor Appleton.…

Books by J.J. Thomson at PG:…

#books #science #physics

#Earth used to have a ring like #Saturn. Scientists found evidence of a ring system that formed 466 million years ago. #news #space #universe #research #science #astronomy #physics #cosmos #solarsystem @monash university

Does anyone know of an OA thermodynamics book that would be suitable for a one-semester, early undergrad course on the subject? Something comparable in scope/level to, e.g., Finn's Thermal Physics: thermodynamic potentials, magnetic work, at least some calculation of microcanonical and canonical probabilities, etc.

This textbook seems OK for what it does cover, but it doesn't go far enough:…

And David Tong's lecture notes presume that the students have already had the kind of class I'm thinking about:…

What is there in the middle?


... Another "does this book exist" question: Is there an OA textbook suitable for a one-semester course on special relativity? Again, OpenStax provides an example that seems fine as far as it goes but that only goes partway:…

What covers Minkowski spacetime, the energy-momentum relation, maybe a little about how "force" works in SR... Is there an open-access equivalent to Anthony French's text from back in the day when I was young?


Kicking Erwin Schrödinger out of my idols. Not because he chose a cat for his thought experiment, but because of one thing I learnt: he sexually abused children and kept a diary about it. 🤮 Src:…

#schrodinger #quantum #physics

I made a post on my (rarely used) blog thinking about my pursuit of higher mathematics and about how/where to apply for grad schools. I would love some advice from those who have pursued their love for Mathematics and it's application in other fields in grad school! I have some concerns and I feel very stuck.…

#Math #Mathematics #Mathstodon #Physics #ComputerScience #GradSchool #PhD #Theory #GetFediHired