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Items tagged with: Earth

#Earth used to have a ring like #Saturn. Scientists found evidence of a ring system that formed 466 million years ago. #news #space #universe #research #science #astronomy #physics #cosmos #solarsystem @monash university

Between 1945 and 2000, the US intervened in 81 consequential elections worldwide, including eight times in Italy, five in Japan, and many more in Latin America. Between 1958 and 1975, military coups, many of them American-sponsored, changed governments in three dozen nations—a quarter of the world’s sovereign states—fostering a distinct “reverse wave” in the global trend toward democracy.

- Alfred W. McCoy, To Govern the Globe: World Orders and Catastrophic Change

#quote #quotes #usa #america #history #classwar #politics #fascism #oppression #repression #nazis #neonazis #neofascism #society #humans #earth #community #imperialism #capitalism

A fully-lit Earth hovers above the shadowed craters of the Moon, with Antarctica perched right on the horizon. Great shot from the Danuri spacecraft, now in lunar orbit.… #KARI #Earth #Moon

Another #Earth view from the #Orion capsule heading away and to the Moon: found in the new #Artemis album… with so far mostly video clips from the many on-board cameras.