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Items tagged with: proglang

Early returns are promising. Students got into the activity. Discussion took over half the last day of class.

This is a Programming Languages class, and discussion took an interesting turn: how would •languages• change in a world where we expect AI code generation to be a normal part of the development process, and the problem for humans shifts (even further) away from “How do I generate code?” and toward “Does the code I’ve generated actually do what I think? What I want?”
#proglang #ai

OK, trying an experiment with my Programming Languages class!

• Have an AI generate some of your writing assignment.
• Critique its output. Call BS on its BS.

Assignment details in screenshots below. I’ll let you know how it goes.

(Here are the links from the screenshots:)

Raw AI Text:

Comments on AI Text:

(Better) Human Text

#ai #chatgpt #education #writing #highered
#swift #proglang