Items tagged with: vst3


Items tagged with: vst3

🎉 V1.0🎉

PodcastPlugins is a set of Free and Open-Source speech-enhancement audio plugins for podcasters.

vst + vst3 + clap + LV2 + AU
Linux + macOS + Windows

Enjoy :)

Huge thanks to @falktx

@x42 @magnetophon @jkdb

Supported by @PrototypeFund…

#podcast #podcast_creation #podcastproduction #audioproduction #contentcreation #vst #vst3 #clap #lv2 #plugin #audio #sound #soundengineering #audioengineering #daw #mixing #speech #dsp #faust #prototypefund

I mentioned a lo-fi plugin I made with cell phone codecs, and I just published an initial release! There are some features that are still in the works, but there are plugin files available for macOS, and the codecs and downsampling work:…


#JUCE #Audio #Plugin #VST #VST3 #AU #CPlusPlus #MusicProduction #LoFi