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Items tagged with: womeninscience

Today we celebrate the 110th birthday of Bibha Chowdhuri, a particle physicist from India. She discovered mesons, and also worked on experimental observation of muons. Despite these remarkable achievements she remains in obscurity. #WomenInScience #ParticlePhysics

At a meeting in Germany that attracts dozens of Nobel prize winners, one of them objected to its focus on diversity, saying “as a male scientist, I have a feeling of discrimination when I am here, in the climate that this meeting is being held.” Science magazine reports that a visibly nervous early-career researcher stood up to respond….

Link to video, her response is at 46:39

#stem #science #Nobels #womeninstem #womeninscience #lindaunobel

🔬Bonnie L. Bassler
Molecular biologist. She researched chemical communication between bacteria, also called ‘quorum sensing’.

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🧬Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier.
Nobel Prize in Chemistry for developing precise DNA-editing technology, CRISPR.

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I’m doing a project featuring little-known women of science as a part of my studies as a lab technician.
I’ll be drawing some portraits and illustrating the research and discoveries of some interesting scientists✨

Let’s start!

🧬Nettie Stevens. American geneticist who discovered chromosomes X/Y by studying Mealworms (Tenebrio molitor)

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