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in reply to Debian

It is already silky smooth. With a slightly wobbly Fedora 38 release, I can see quite a few of those users going Bookworm.
in reply to Debian

Nice! Looking forward to install it on my very old 1Gb RAM laptop, let's see if the installation process will now recognize and suggest one proprietary driver (wifi card).

Preparations for celebrating the planned release on Sat June 10 of Debian 12 "bookworm" are in full swing. Currently Debian Bookworm Release Parties are planned in 3 continents: Bolivia and Brazil; Belgium, Germany, Netherlands and Portugal; and in Iran. See…

Debian Reunion Hamburg is slowly coming to an end with two last days of sunshine, cleanup and further hacking and discussions. Safe travels to everyone and looking forward to a Mini DebConf in Berlin 2024!…

La izquierda resiste gracias a los nacionalistas… #External
in reply to modulux

Tal y como pinta ahora la política actual, diría que el BNG es un partido regionalista y que los nacionalistas son la ultraderecha y la derecha. Hay que empezar a no distinguir entre nacionalismo regional o nacionalismo patrio. Este segundo suele ser más peligroso por excluyente.
in reply to Óscar Gorri

Excluyentes pueden ser los dos. Hoy en día diría que el centralista es algo más peligroso pero todo depende del momento. En general el tema de banderas y mezclar el pasaporte con el folklore o tener que defender determinadas ideas históricamente insostenibles me da bastante mal rollo, así que me quedo fuera de ambos.

Debian Reunion Hamburg crew is pleased to announce the schedule for talks and discussions; looking forward to enjoy a marvelous Cheese and Wine party tonight. Schedule at…

New Debian Developers and Maintainers (March and April 2023)…

Debian Reunion Hamburg started yesterday with over 42 participants; social events as well as streamed talks upcoming. Joining, either remotely or in person still possible. See…

In an attempt to enforce Prohibition, the Prohibition Bureau began adding poison to industrial alcohol to prevent its consumption, killing between 10,000 and 50,000 people. This was supported by people like Wayne Wheeler, who argued that the victims had...…

Original tweet :…

Proxmox Platinum Sponsor of DebConf23…

Meta AI announces Massive Multilingual Speech code, models for 1000+ languages


Infomaniak First Platinum Sponsor of DebConf23…

Fedivision Song Contest, the annual event where (amateur) musicians from all around the fediverse compete, is about to kick off! It's 2023, it's our third Fedivision, and we can't wait to hear what you all come up with!
Please follow the official bot @fedivision, watch for #fedivision and #fedivision2023 and head over to for all the info!
And start your music production engines - now!

Please note: Fedivision Song Contest is for previously unpublished, original songs.

Los siete candidatos de EH Bildu condenados por delitos de sangre renuncian a las listas electorales… #Política

U.S. Marshals Spied on Abortion Protesters Using Dataminr


Last Call for Papers for Debian Reunion Hamburg, May 23-30. Deadline at May 14th. You plan to attend? Submit a talk!…

Google Bard blocks all European Union countries



Horská služba zasahovala vloni v letní sezóně u bezmála 6 000 úrazů. Výrazný podíl měli cyklisté. Projekt „Na kole jen s přilbou“ varuje před zbytečnými riziky.…

in reply to Debian

For the avoidance of doubt: this refers to a release candidate from a few weeks ago, and another one is coming up in a few days!

Google makes Bard available in English in 180 countries and territories, promises AI image generation with Adobe, and integration with services like Instacart (James Vincent/The Verge)……

Nick Clegg reiterates that Meta will end news content in Canada if C-18 passes, says he pulled out of a scheduled committee hearing after a session title change (Lynn Doan/Bloomberg)……

This is a bot to show NVDA add-on updates available at…
For now it should be considered alpha quality. It looks for updates sent to the views branch, (views/en/latest folder), every 5 minutes, trying to process individual submissions.
If multiple submissions are found, this bot will inform about the number of add-ons updated. For single submissions, the add-on display name, version, channel, homepage, download URL and SHA-256 to verify its integrity will be provided.
All this may be changed or improved, and, if I detect that something is wrong, will reply to the bot providing more details.
This is built using just GitHub Actions and for now removed add-ons will be considered just updates, but I'll address them separately if needed.
cc: @NVAccess

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Today is septidi, 17 Floréal in year CCXXXI of the Republic. Today is dedicated to Pimprenelle.

If you received unwanted direct messages this morning, one way to mitigate this is by disallowing direct messages from accounts you aren't following.

Navigate to Preferences, Settings, Notifications, and check the box labelled "Block direct messages from people you don't follow"

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Exclusive: Mozilla has acquired a small startup whose website and browser plug-in help users identify bogus product reviews on e-commerce sites.

Cachondeo en Twitter con Feijóo: intenta burlarse de Sánchez y acaba diciendo Sprinter en vez de Springsteen… #External
in reply to Público (Unofficial RSS)

Joder, ¿pero es que los políticos gallegos que van al resto de las Españas siempre tienen que hacer el ridículo? Menos mal que tenemos a Yolanda.

modulux reshared this.

In Japan, beer cans have braille text on them so blind people do not mistake them for soft drinks…

Original tweet :…

in reply to Debian

looking forward to re-install my @Hetzner_Online cloud mail server once released. It‘s on „Bullseye“ right now.