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Series D, Episode 01 - Rescue

CALLY: [V.O. scream] Blake.
[Space. Exterior. A freight ship called Scorpio is in flight. Scorpio interior: flight deck. A blonde man is the only occupant of the flight deck. His name is Dorian. He bends over to check something on the ship's instruments. Finished, he moves around the flight deck.] B7B4

I miss the days when search engines would actually search for the words you've put in the search box, rather than showing you results that are - at best - vaguely tangentially related to what you're looking for.

This dumb password rule is from Virgin Media.

Your password needs to be between 8 and 10 characters long, with no
spaces, and must contain only numbers and letters. The first character
must be a letter.

Feb 2020 Update: policy remains the same but the description is hidden
leaving you to guess the acceptable length/chars. Users are now lef...…

#password #passwords #infosec #cybersecurity #dumbpasswordrules

Reducing 3D Printer Waste: 10 Tips to Minimizing Filament “Poop”… #3DPrinting #AdditiveManufacturing

Change in Starships: Because I forgot to log this earlier(Whoops!) the weapons power of the whirlwind has been increased from 4500 to 4600 units of damage output. The lrl got a much needed boost! The shield strength has also been increased from 470,000 to 500,000 units. Enjoy making things go boom boom!
in reply to The Prometheus MOO

I always enjoy making things go poof. ;) Breaking the universe, I call it. Nice change.

Yemen says a ship has repaired the subsea AAE-1 cable, linking Asia and Europe, in the Red Sea, and remains in the water to repair the Seacom and EIG cables (Bloomberg)……

Well, how do you think I feel? I'm a 900 year old Time Lord. Not much dignity in scrambling over a wall like a small boy on a scrumping spree.

— The Doctor, in “Revelation of the Daleks”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

This dumb password rule is from Banque de Tahiti.

You have to enter your password using this *very* Frenchy keypad. You don't have lowercase letters, the blanks are not spaces but just non-clickable gaps, but as a compensation you have some weird symbols that your keyboard does not have a key for (e.g. `µ`).

No accessible version available.…

#password #passwords #infosec #cybersecurity #dumbpasswordrules

Pacman 7.0 Package Manager Released, Here’s What’s New…

Nano 8.1 Command-Line Text Editor Released, Here’s What’s New…

“I've never met such idiots as those Customs men.”

“Idiots? They're worse than idiots, they're bureaucrats...”

— Romana and the Doctor, in “Nightmare of Eden”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

Stupid expression, “stands to reason". Why isn't it “lie down to reason"? — much easier to reason lying down...

— The Doctor, in “The Creature From the Pit”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

“I was meant to be delivering a paper to the Astronomical Society tonight.”

“Oh, yes?”

“Yes, I finally disproved the, uh, possibility of life on other planets.”

“Oh yes.”

“Well, I can deliver it next month's. Have to be a complete rewrite though.”

— Chris and Romana, in “Shada”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

Gosh, that takes me back. Or forward. That's the trouble with time travel; you can never remember.

— The Doctor, in “The Androids of Tara”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

“These 'taxes', they are like sacrifices to tribal gods?”

“Well, roughly speaking, but paying taxes is more painful.”

— Leela and the Doctor, in “The Sunmakers”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

On our wedding night we stayed in a very posh hotel. I took a photo of the mini bar and afterward showed all our friends. It wasn't until years later when I relooked at the picture that I saw myself naked in the minibar reflection, cock and all.

Stopped at airport security and was asked if I had any tablets in my bag. I stood for a good while listing off my prescriptions. It's was the iPad they wanted to know about.

Wind River Platinum Sponsor of DebConf24…

food / pizza

Sensitive content

in reply to Poll Bot

food / pizza

Sensitive content

I've lied about my grades to every job I've ever applied for and nobody has ever questioned it. I got 2 D's and a E at A Level's but always say ABB. It's never been checked, education just really doesn't matter in the professional world.

My name is Robert. My nickname is Bob. I am a builder. Trust me, you're not the first customer to sing Bob the Builder to me. It's very old now. I add extra "expenses" to your invoice if you do.

I have full respect for Kier Starmer but I cringe when he speaks. He sounds just like a guy that I met at a conference and had a fling with only to realise I found him boring.

I am a 44 year old Geography teacher. I have been teaching 20 odd years and people genuinely see me as a wise head who gives sound advice. I failed and had to retake my English GCSE as I forgot to attend the exam as I was too busy sat at home watching Dumb and Dumber on DVD.

Want to send a quick video message, postcard, image or announcement for the DebConf video loop? Just follow the instructions in… #debconf24 #debian… #debian

How to Create Interactive Bash Scripts With Yes, No, Cancel Prompt in Linux…

Thoberson and Niblone mated to produce Bongmusi.
They are a Generation 30 fractal.
They like slow fractals.

If this flame is beautiful, ⭐ or boost this post to improve its chances for future breedings.

Funny old business, time; it delights in frustrating your plans.

— The Doctor, in “Dragonfire”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

Yesterday I confused the words "jacuzzi" and "yakuza". Now I'm in hot water with the Japanese mafia.

reshared this

Winamp Music Player Is Now on iPhone and Android

Check it out! 👇…

#Audio #Streaming

Signal plans to roll out a beta version of its desktop apps that tightens the security of how it stores plain text encryption keys, after downplaying the issue (Lawrence Abrams/BleepingComputer)……

SpaceX releases its $599 Starlink Mini portable dish to anyone in the US, available with its $150/month Regional and $50/month Mini Roam services (Thomas Ricker/The Verge)……

Baltimore bridge collapse survivor details how he climbed onto floating concrete to await rescue (NBC News)……

Today in 1821, 203 years ago: The United States takes possession of Florida, purchased from Spain.


Tomatoes have absolutely no business being in sandwiches.

As a kid, I found a Marshall Ward catalogue in the loft and used to wank to the underwear models. Turns out my Mum kept it as she was one of them. Still carry the scars at 45 years old.

Europeans with disabilities continue to face pervasive problems in workplace and labour market accessibility, according to a new report by the European Disability Forum. Obstacles highlighted include a lack of accessible hiring practices and insufficient provision of assistive technology.…

How to Install Docker on Arch Linux: A Step-by-Step Guide…