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Auktion von Charles-Banknoten brachte über Technische Probleme

How Uber, facing sexual assault litigation, spent millions trying to get a Nevada ballot proposal to restrict legal fees that bankroll cases against companies (Jessica Silver-Greenberg/New York Times)……

in reply to Debian

happy birthday Debian, thank you for existing in the linux distro environment :)
in reply to Debian

Happy Birthday and thank you for more than 25 years as a lucky user.

GNOME 46.4 Desktop Improves Connecting to WPA2 Enterprise Networks…

TIL that Eratosthenes paid a guy to walk 800 kilometers to a tower to measure the length of it’s shadow & that’s how we found out the earth was round.…
#til #todayilearned…

Working in a care home I see many visitors turning up pretty much just to check how long their relative might have left to live so they can get the inheritance. They're absolutely fucking shit humans. So I've started educating the residents on donating to charity via their wills.

How come the stadium got hot after the game? Because all of the fans left.

DebConf24 closes in Busan and DebConf25 dates announced…

#Blakes7 Series D, Episode 10 - Gold

AVON: He may have, or he may not. That's what we are going to find out. I need hardly remind you to stay on your guard at all times.
DAYNA: Personally, I'm more worried about the in-flight link-up. B7B1

“What are you doing in the lake?”


— Brigadier Bambera and Ace, in “Battlefield”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

I bought shoes from a drug dealer once. I don't know what he laced them with, but I was tripping all day.

15 Best Free and Open-Source Audio Editors…

What kind of music do planets listen to? Nep-tunes.

How to Run a Linux Command Without Keeping It in History…

How to Shrink Long or Multiple Commands into a Single Short Command…

Bought an old colleague a small gift delivered to his desk in large open plan office, but somehow also changed my default address on Amazon without realising. Fast forward a month & an old man in Essex was very surprised to receive a repeat order of a large box of sanitary towels

“And what is your bureau doing about bonsai?”

“Bonsai, Mr Chase?”

“Mutilation and torture, Mr Dunbar. The hideous, grotesque Japanese practice of miniaturizing shrubs and trees. What is your bureau doing about that?”

— Harrison Chase and Dunbar, in “The Seeds of Doom”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

TUXEDO Computers Unveils Its First 3-in-1 Convertible Linux Laptop…

Parrot OS: Security-Focused Linux Distro for Security and Privacy…

Atentátom na mňa nič neskončilo, tvrdí premiér. Opozícia a médiá podľa neho vyrábajú ďalšieho Cintulu

Premiér Robert Fico sa vyjadril k aktuálnej snahe opozície zvolať mimoriadnu schôdzu parlamentu a pokúsiť sa odvolať ministra spravodlivosti Borisa Suska. Ten pomohol bývalému špeciálnemu prokurátorovi Dušanovi Kováčikovi na slobodu.

in reply to TA3

To ho jeho babka neučila, že každý si je strojcom svojho šťastia?

OpenAI Warns Users Could Become Emotionally Hooked on Its Voice Mode - The company has revealed details of AI model safety testing—including concerns about its ... -… #business/artificialintelligence #fastforward #business

I don't believe you've met my young friend Ace, an expert in calorification, incineration, carbonization, and inflammation.

— The Doctor, in “The Happiness Patrol”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

More HDR Preparations Merged In Time For GNOME 47

Following the recent Mutter 47 beta release that also marks the feature freze point for GNOME 47, there still are some High Dynamic Range (HDR) display preparations being merged ahead of this next stable desktop release due out in September...…

Why did Mozart kill all his chickens?
Because when he asked them who the best composer was, they'd all say "Bach bach bach!"

reshared this

in reply to I Has Wisdom

@menelion My favorite composers joke is, "What did the alien say when he landed on earth right in front of Schubert? ... Take me to your lieder.

TIL Philadelphia Cream Cheese is produced in New York, and always has been since it was invented by William Lawrence in 1872. He named his company Philadelphia to market off of the city's reputation for high quality dairy products.…
#til #todayilearned…

in reply to Today I learned

Great. Now tons of native Philadelphians are no doubt feeling a huge amount of disappointment. Speaking as someone who was born and raised in Philly, I offer my regrets ...

“Yes, yes, I can see that, but how did you know in the first place?”

“Oh, I use my own special technique.”

“Oh, really, Doctor? And may we know what that is?”

“Keeping my eyes open and my mouth shut.”

— Klieg and The Doctor, in “Tomb of the Cybermen”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

How to Install and Configure Samba in Ubuntu…

How to Manage Clipboard from Command Line in Linux…

Sources: Huawei, Baidu, and other Chinese tech companies have been stockpiling Samsung HBM chips since early 2024, in anticipation of US curbs on those chips (Reuters)……

Storm Cloud Over Texas

Image Credit & Copyright: Laura Rowe (Used with permission)… #APOD


That's the world as Sutekh would leave it: a desolate planet circling a dead sun.

— The Doctor, in “The Pyramids of Mars”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

The Cabinet's accepted my report, and the whole affair is now completely closed. ... A fifty-foot monster can't swim up the Thames and attack a large building without some people noticing, but you know what politicians are like.

— The Brigadier, in “Terror of the Zygons”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

:ssb: Programming language brawl! Which one would win? #Poll #Polls

  • PHP (55%, 5 votes)
  • Objective-C (0%, 0 votes)
  • C# (33%, 3 votes)
  • D (11%, 1 vote)
9 voters. Poll end: 1 month ago

If you could not attend the DebConf or have missed the conference because of time zone differences, all recorded video are now available for viewing at your leisure:… #debian #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea… #debian
in reply to Debian

Some kind of overview or table of contents would be nice. Have I overlooked this?

Thank you to all the people who made #DebConf24 possible! The DebConf organisation team, the Local Team, Debian Video Team, our speakers, volunteers, and attendees. Would you like to join for organising the next DebConf? If so visit and contact the DebConf team. #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea #debconf25… #debian

Wife is mad because she thought I was staring at a woman in our gym. I was actually day dreaming wondering if Brazillian footballers, on going pro, get forewarned they may end up playing/living in Manchester or some other rainy shit-hole.

I'm afraid we have no time for codes and manners.

— The Doctor, in “The Edge of Destruction”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation