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Ever wonder what dinosaur meat might taste like?…

CrowdStrike has a new guidance hub for dealing with the Windows outage…

Our first presentation of #GUADEC day 3 is the Annual General Meeting. Hear from the GNOME Foundation Board in Track 1!…

Welcome to day 3 of #GUADEC2024! We're starting up in Track 1 in just a few minutes…
in reply to GNOME

Maybe I'm a bit picky, but with Snowden and the latest databroker files (in Germany) in mind, I do not want to use YouTube / Google any more.
I know there are anonymizing Youtube proxys around, but google doesn't like them and sabotages them. ...

Is is possible that Gnome foundation / GUADEC uses an alternative streaming platform.

IIRC for example PeerTube also can handle live streams (with recording), too.

This episode of My Adventures With Superman would have made for a great series finale if it had to be one, but I am so glad it's only a season 2 finale. I can't wait to see what they cook up for season 3 :D
in reply to Chris 🌱 :verified_purple:

I really liked this take on Brainiac. He's cruel and petty in such a personal way. His brand of evil is unlike most other iterations of Brainiac I've seen.

A moment of silence for all of those perfectly working CPUs that landed in the trash because something else in the laptop broke

Someone recently suggested to me that AI systems bring the users' ability closer to the average. I was intrigued by this idea because it reflects my experience. I am, for example, terrible at any kind of visual art, but with something like Stable Diffusion I can produce things that are merely quite bad, whereas without it I can produce things that are absolutely terrible. Conversely, with GitHub Copilot I can write code with more bugs that's harder to read. Watching non-programmers use it and ChatGPT with Python, they can produce fairly mediocre code that mostly works.

I suppose it shouldn't surprise anyone that a machine that's trained to produce output from a statistical model built from a load of examples would tend towards the mean.

An unflattering interpretation of this would suggest that the people who are most excited by AI in any given field are the people with the least talent in that field.

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in reply to David McMullin

@mcmullin I would interpret it somewhat more positively. Most people are good at a fairly small set of things. I've had four books published in English, but French is my second-best language and there's no way I'd be able to write a book in it. There are vast numbers of languages where I'm even worse, yet with a language model I may be able to at least be comprehensible, if not erudite.

Looking at things like painting or music composition, I'm well below the average of people who produce anything that would go into a training dataset.

Most people are bad at most things. Talented people are typically talented only in a small set of things. It takes time and practive to become really good at something. If, without AI, I can be good at a handful of things and completely useless at a lot of things, but with AI I can be good at the same set of things and mediocre in a lot of things, that's a win.

Unfortunately, so far, the set of things where it can get me up to even mediocrity is fairly small.

in reply to david_chisnall

@mcmullin That's not a win for the people, including merely mediocre people (which is the majority), who no longer have a job.

Retrospective as GNOME director…


Andy Holmes reshared this.

in reply to Sonny

Thank you for all the hard work you have done for GNOME and it's users, hopefully you are doing well ❤️
in reply to Sonny

Oh wow, I'm just seeing this now. I hope you are doing ok! Thank you for all you've done with and for GNOME! It was fun working with you on Workbench!

Serious question for the fediverse: what screen readers do y'all use? How do they interact with the software you use? Does it expose an explicit limitation on how the programs you use are developed?
#screenreader #softwaredevelopment #visualdisability
in reply to André Polykanine

@menelion Yeah, unfortunately there's no web code (all native binary). As for Gtk, I'd like to avoid requiring it unless absolutely necessary. I fear this is going to take a bit to figure out.
in reply to the Lobdegg

As for native, I really don't know. On Windows there is WinAPI, but on Linux… Maybe @alex19EP will be of better help. Alex, there is a developer interested in adding accessibility to their apps in Linux. the apps are native binaries, whatever it means on Linux. I still guess you invoke some desktop-related bindings, although again, I have no idea about native GUI in Linux.

Gibts es hier andere Kleinunternehmer/Free Lancer? Welche Versicherungen habt ihr so abgeschlossen und warum?
in reply to uniq

Arbeitslosenversicherungsschutz für Unternehmer. Selbstständigkeit kann ja auch wieder enden oder der Betrieb ruhen.…

Conozco 3 casos muy cercanos de gente con incontinencia verbal. De esos que hablan sin parar, hasta el agotamiento (el tuyo, porque ellos/ellas no paran), no te dejan ni meter media palabra en la conversación, que termina siendo un monólogo insufrible y estás deseando de que llegue el momento de despedirte.

Son así: la mujer de un buen amigo que convirtió el día perfecto de ayer en una tortura. El marido de mi mejor compañera de la carrera, que cada vez que me llama para que quedemos todos me obliga a tomarme un ansiolítico. Una amiga de mi marido, que es el peor caso de todos con un ratio de unas 300 palabras por minuto durante todo el tiempo que estemos juntos.

Con lo que me gusta el silencio a mí.

in reply to Martín Pescador 🌍🐝

Yo también conozco algún caso, y creo que incluso puedo haber caído en ello yo mismo en ocasiones. La gente que lo hace siempre es difícil de llevar.

Do you ever get the urge to scream something totally random like all constructors are injective and disjoint, or is it just me?

Genervt vom ständigen Aufruf, mehr zu trinken? Willst du dich von Big Wasser nicht länger zum Narren halten lassen?

Dann kauf Dr. Blogwarts Wasserkonzentrat. Ein Kügelchen ins Glas, einfach mit Wasser aufgießen, fertig ist dein Wasser!

100g für nur 69,99 €!

Ich hab' irgendwie keinen Bock mehr zwischen überzeugten Nazis, ökonomischen Nazis, psychopathischen Nazis, Gelegenheitsnazis und Dullinazis zu unterscheiden.
Ich empfinde sie alle als gesundheitsschädlich und möchte das anprangern.😏

Moin 😬 🙈

this is a suprisingly accurate depiction of my progress to date

Think about it, these are the same people who would not wear a mask during Covid because it would make them look stupid.

One key question to ask yourself: why does media talk about tech’s support for political policy or candidates, and focus entirely on *investors like VCs*, instead of those who actually *make* the tech? Do they do this in any other industry? When a major labor union endorses Biden, do they ignore this and talk about the bankers who lend money to that industry?

What do you lot get your streaming services into your TV with?

I'm still using my PS4, and that's great for almost every streaming service, but its Disney+ app simply isn't viable any more. It used to be, but somewhere in the last few months it's become unwatchably juddery, like every fourth frame is tripping over something. A smooth panning shot feels like watching a heartbeat monitor, or like your own heartbeat is raging out of control to the extent that it's affecting your vision. It's awful to look at.

So. What do you use? Do you have a "stick"? Is that what we have now? If so, exactly which one do you use?

in reply to Dave Bulmer

Amazon Fire TV Stick. A tiny little cheap thing, works great and also has Alexa in the remote control.

Having the freedom to communicate with true privacy feels great! 😎

#Facts #Tuta #Privacy #Freedom #Encryption #Free

v domnení bledej známosti vidal sa vstříc slnečnému svitu, zaplatiť Telekom, piči
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Wo wohnt eigentlich dieses " kleinere Übel"?
Kann man das jetzt mal vor die Tür setzen?
in reply to Rant_ifa 🎗️ Rant_ifa

Ich weiß, das meine Überzeugung da der deinen (möglicherweise) widerspricht und ich will nicht einmal sagen, das meine da irgend richtigere wäre. Ich kann da einfach nur grad nicht aus meiner Haut. Aber ich sehe, denke ich, deinen Punkt wohl.

Darum schrieb ich den letzten Satz hier drüber und auch von einem Paradoxon. Egal ob man es wie du siehst, oder wie ich … es ist m. E. einfach widersinnig das eine zu feiern (Stauffenberg) und das andere (Hotzo) zu verurteilen.🤯

in reply to Solomon

Tatsächlich zeigt sich das politische Paradoxon der bürgerlichen Parteien darin viel eher, dass sie das Attentat von Elser gerne unter den Teppich kehren würden, während sie die adeligen Nazis rund um Staufenberg feiern.
Das zeigt und hat schon immer gezeigt, wo z.b die deutsche Sozialdemokratie steht.
Elser war, als es bereits brannte, bekannt dafür, dass er die Kneipe verließ, wenn Nazilieder gesungen wurden. Und dass er das Maul aufmachte. Dafür starb er in Dachau.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

oh look, I turned 32 today. Well how noteworthy :P
in reply to Florian

I did that 8 years ago. That's when all the bugs showed up.
in reply to Patrick Perdue

Oh dear. :) I have always had bugs. And I am younger than both of you. This is depressing. But also, there's more to living than the bugs.
in reply to Mira 🤞🇧🇬🇭🇺

@tardis Oh, there have always been bugs. It's just that the more obvious ones started to manifest themselves.
in reply to Patrick Perdue

Aww. I wish bugs could be fixed as easily as we could fix some of them while coding. I guess I can keep on dreaming.

If computers were invented 200 years earlier, we'd have compiler error messages in Latin.
in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

We should try this. Sounds quite interesting... But I can't find thewords... The song goes...
in reply to victor tsaran

@vick21 There's some Dutch lady trying to make a fully internationalizable programming language, syntax and all. It even does crazy stuff like RTL or non-ascii digits, like for Arabic and such. It's mostly aimed at the children / education market, so this makes a lot of sense. I should play with it one day and see if / how they did Polish.
in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

Wasn't French the lingua franca around that time? Though encountering a 'Delenda est' would be quite fun.

We would have people fighting about Classical Latin vs Ecclesiastical Latin, and when the debate might seem to calm down, Interlingua and Neolatin enter the melee...

I'm reading — listening to on Hoopla; the narration is excellent — a collection of short stories by Ursula K. Le Guin, The Birthday of the World and other stories. Haven't heard the titular story yet. My favorite so far by far is Solitude. All the stories are glimpses of imagined alien cultures. Le Guin's fictional federation of planets is the Ecumen. In Solitude a post-apocalyptic, now primitive culture is being studied by members of the Ecumen. The culture avoids the past mistakes by

Jestli jste ještě neviděli, tak doporučuji. To je něco, co člověka rozloží.

in reply to Archos :distros_arch: :matrix:

@archos Oni ti foxíci, co se musejí stříhat, byli takoví módní společenští psi. Dokonce hráli ve filmech v Holywoodu. The Thin Man a v groteskách. Něco jako pudlíci.

Missing Link: Wie Millionen Bundesbürger kommerziell auspioniert werden…

in reply to Ondřej Caletka

When we were being occupied by the Soviet Army, it was told, that the unit of temporary was "1 furt" (roughly in English: 1 permanent).

Sensitive content

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Archos :distros_arch: :matrix:

včera jsem jel lesem 7 km na oslavu máminy narozenin, chládek teda trošku byl ale ty "mušky"mě málem sežrali zaživa 😁 donutily mě k výkonu jaký sem dlouho nepodal.V cíli na mě čekal bazén a studený pivko....jooo holt "krušné hory-krušné lesy"😆

in reply to Talon

@talon oh no, I accidentally revealed my years long plot to infiltrate and sever the blind community.

The upcoming election looks really awful on many levels, but it is ALSO a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Americans to stand up & say "Fuck, no" to fascism.

The apparent weakness of Biden as a candidate just makes the message stronger: “we don't care how bad the other guy looks, he's still a better choice than your warmed-over retrograde klepto-autocracy. Take that crap & shove it.”

Also once-in-a-lifetime in that if we miss this chance we won't get another. But I try not to dwell on that.

For those not at GUADEC (or not in Berlin), I've posted a recording of my talk about gobject-introspection on my YT channel:

#gnome #guadec #guadec2024

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Joder, esto de trasnochar ya no es para mi. Ayer llegue a las 4 de la mañana a casa y es como que e perdido el domingo.

Este fin de semana ni me e enterado de que a existido.

Viernes cena en el indio, ayer feria de comida mediterránea aderezado por la tarde en casa de unos amigos en la piscina con un excelente asado argentino y para rematar en un ratito a un japo.

Creo que Romina quiere acabar con migo.

I would like a key on my phone keyboard that says "sic" and it's just a space bar that doesn't apply auto correct.

Like a "I know I typed it wrong and also you don't need to learn it" button

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

in reply to ttyS1

@ttyS1 just visiting the newly opened end of Amsterdam's tram network, which is actually quite far from Amsterdam.

Would you make out with a clone of yourself?

  • yes (68%, 11 votes)
  • no (25%, 4 votes)
  • yes but I would deny it (6%, 1 vote)
16 voters. Poll end: 2 months ago