Items tagged with: tuta


Items tagged with: tuta

Has anyone had trouble accessing @Tutanota ?
I can't login through the Android app or web version. Their website isn't loading for me, either.

#tuta #TutaMail #tutanota

What makes #Tuta stand out among all #private #email providers:

✅ Quantum-safe encryption 🔒
✅ ALL apps open source and published on F-Droid ♥️
✅ Focus on free desktop clients, including Linux 🐧
✅ Focus on feature-parity in all apps 💌

What was your reason for choosing us?

Have you started using the new features in your Tuta Calendar⁉️ (and have you looked at the sneak peek of what's coming next 👀)

Now your encrypted calendar has:

⭐ Three-day view
⭐ Calendar name in event preview
⭐ Improved calendar repeat rules

#EMail #Calendar #Tuta

oldest email is from Dec 14 2024. This year I moved my own domain to #tuta. Next thing is to move the domain it to an #eu registrar.
#EU #tuta

@lernbuddy for some it is ok that encryption is not there, but we gain standard protocols support, many clients and ability to easily migrate *of* #tuta.

Standard protocols do not allow vendor lock-in.

Why not build your protocol on #jmap instead? Like an extension supporting encryption?

🇪🇺 European alternatives to Gmail

🇩🇪 #mailbox
🇩🇪 #posteo
🇩🇪 #tuta 🆓
🇩🇪 #eclipso 🆓
🇩🇪 #raidboxes
🇩🇪 #ionos 🆓
🇩🇪 #mail 🆓
🇨🇭 #infomaniak 🆓
🇨🇭 #hostpoint
🇨🇭 #proton 🆓
[contested]🇨🇭 #migadu
🇨🇭 #kolabnow
🇧🇪 #mailfence 🆓
🇧🇪 #combell
🇧🇪 #nubo
🇳🇱 #disroot 🆓
🇳🇱 #soverin
🇳🇱 #startmail
🇫🇷 #iroco
🇫🇷 #mailo 🆓
🇱🇻 #inbox
🇳🇴 #runbox
🇮🇹 #seeweb…

Just like Linus (LTT) said, Apple could have just stopped working in UK territory, people would fight back against UK's government, pushing them to revert back the law and get Apple back. But Apple has no backbone and cares only about money, unlike Tuta.

#Apple #Tuta #Privacy

✨📅 Tuta Calendar Updates On All Platforms 📅 ✨

What's new in the Tuta Calendar?

👉 3-day view
👉 Advanced repeate rules
👉 Calendar display in event preview

#Tuta #TutaCalendar #MadeinEU

Question regarding #Tuta calendar:
I use the calendar on #Android #gos and #iPadOS. Both have the same timezone setup, both show the same date and time.
When I add a calendar item on my iPad, it appears on my gos three hours earlier. And vice versa. How can this be? I spend hours updating my iPad until I noticed that it does not show the right hour on my gos.

While other private services leave Mastodon, we simply ❤️ this community.

And getting close to reaching 30k followers! 🎉🤩

#Mastodon #Tuta

@Tutanota Hello, last month, I canceled my subscription before it expired. So the payment would not automatically renew. Yesterday, when I logged into my account, I received a warning that I would not be able to receive or send emails unless I paid. So I decided to renew my entire subscription. I paid for 1 year. But today I saw that it was still on the Free plan. So I can't write to you directly. Please solve the problem. #tuta #tutanota

Will we see the #Tuta server-side open source anytime soon?

Please be aware that there is a nefarious e-mail targeting @Tutanota users.

The sender is "" (or variations thereof), and there is a pdf attached.

Do *NOT* download and/or open the pdf.
Mark as spam/phishing and delete.

#tutanota #tuta #security

#tuta @Tutanota
Hi there, does anyone know how I can set Tutanota Calendar to use a default calendar and da default duration for Meetings? Also, where can I set the timezone for hours?

Tuta email, located in Germany, Europe, now uses quantum computers to encrypt their emails.

(Technically, they are using algorithms determined to be safe against attacks from quantum computers. And they don't actually have a quantum computer running 24/7, but that is good enough for me.)

#Tuta #Email #QuantumComputers #Quantum #Privacy #Security

"Many privacy laws, including the EU’s GDPR and California’s CCPA, require user consent for tracking. However, because fingerprinting works without explicit storage of user data on a device, companies may argue that existing laws do not apply which creates a legal gray area that benefits advertisers over consumers."

Hanna, #Tuta (@Tutanota), 2025…

Evil, but smart. Time for a broad brush ban on surveillance advertising?

#privacy #surveillance #AdTech


Hallo Tuta Team! 👋

Ich dachte, es sollte aber diesem Jahr keine unerwünschte Werbung mehr von euch für zahlende Kunden geben?

Jetzt habe ich wieder die neue Nachricht "Spread Love & Tuta Updates / s.u. für deutsche Version" von euch erhalten.

Ich möchte das **nicht** … wieso ist es so schwer, seine zahlenden Nutzenden bei sowas eine Wahl zu lassen, ob sie das wollen oder nicht?
Inzwischen empfinde ich es als #Belästigung, denn ich kann es weder filtern noch abschalten.

Möchtet ihr mich zukünftig nicht als zahlenden Kunden?

Ich bin sauer!

#Tuta #Tutanota #Werbung

To be honest, I unfortunately strongly believe that as example #Signal and #Tuta are in that exact team. Why? Their design leaves gaps for exactly that kind of stealth operation.

The smartest way to spend Privacy Week: Use #Tuta.

@Tutanota How do you plan to act on the a11y issues on the web/app? The roadmap doesn't talk about that and The BFSG comes into force in Germany on June 8, 2025.

> If your company operates in Germany or targets German users, you should make all content on your website or app accessible – from the homepage to the cookie banner. Otherwise, you risk not only high fines, but also reputational losses and missed business opportunities .…

cc @juliemoynat

#a11y #tuta #mail

@Tutanota Just switched over from Proton and so far liking the service, but I've sent two messages to support since I created my account yesterday asking for family mode to be enabled on my account with no response back. I've got mailboxes to set up and right now some are bouncing.

If you want my ongoing business, you're going to have to do better at support than this level of responsiveness.

#tuta #tutanota

Loving #Tuta so far, comparable to better alternative, has what I need!

Only wish is a swipe to Mark As Read option, but otherwise, loving it.


🏆 Tuta #1 in class for privacy 🏆

✨ Quantum-safe encryption
✨ Zero-knowledge
✨ Built in Germany

#Tutamail #Tuta #Privacymatters

@Tutanota Are you guys down? I get the same thing on my phone #tuta

I know that Tuta has been planning it for years. But that wasn't my question.

Apparently #Tuta still hasn't set a concrete, near term date for the availability of the *option to export all emails in one go*.

So: Customers can easily import their emails to #Tutamail, but they have to manually select and export all of their emails if they want to migrate away from Tuta to a different #email provider.

To me, that looks like a vendor lock-in.


Debian. It is not in the poll, but it does not mind. Relevant criticism would be:
1. Tuta is not in Debian repositories (nor other important Linux repositories)
2. Tuta desktop client is not a native Linux app, but powered by Electron

