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All computer science curricula are missing one crucial topic:

how to deal with private equity and management takeover

With its One UI 6.1.1 update, Samsung will turn its Auto Blocker feature on by default, preventing users from side-loading Android apps unless they opt-out.…

moje nohy práve teraz: si kkt jebe ti na tú sprostú hlavu alebo čo ti je...?
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

in reply to Ondřej Surý

@ondrej @icing "By aligning our roadmap with the community’s needs, we aim to deliver more timely and effective solutions."

my corporate lingo meter went all the way up to red

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

@icing Exactly. 🤮

From my perspective, I could handle an open source project that makes decisions I disagree with if it’s a grassroot thing and people are genuine. And perhaps they can’t do it because there’s not enough time.

And I’m pretty sure people have disagreed with me before on my decision I make for BIND 9 project. (1/2)

in reply to Ondřej Surý

But this corporate bullshit, I don’t believe a word that has been said. If there was a MPL 2.0 compatible library with PKCS#11 support with good performance I would probably be working on migration as we speak. And I didn’t even know about the performance problems between 1.1.1 and 3.0.0 that haproxy maintainer mentioned. Although we had to dance around the EVP SHA1 being horribly slow compared to the old API. (2/2)

AI crawlers have downloaded over 100 TB in the last couple months, partially from bugs and abusive behavior. We ask AI crawlers to include rate and bandwidth limits, and ask them to partner with us to mitigate impact and support our work.…

reshared this

I wanted to buy a LEGO retro radio kit, but they're like 130 bucks. I did a search on Amazon and got a knock-off for 28 bucks. People say the blocks are smaller, but I don't plan in swallowing them, so we shall see.
in reply to Martin in Toronto

oooh lego radio? Let me know how you get on with that one, I'm sure will see your posts too but very curious. I've tinkered with Snap circuits and such but a lego radio might be more fun to get going if it's not super complex to snap together, of course. Maybe some image-description tools could help you get details for instructions on the build process, too.

Hanging out waiting on test results, and going to go for a CAT scan.
in reply to Allison Meloy

thinking of you during this unknown strenuous time, appreciate you posting updates, will be sending thoughts / prayers that it all goes as smooth as it can and you will know exactly what's going on sooner than later.

#NewPipe 0.27.2 is out now!

This version fixes the recent issues with YouTube and Bandcamp. Support for URLs was also added.

The new version is available through our #FDroid repo (…) and should be shipped with F-Droid's main repo in the next days. The in-app updater should offer the update within one hour.

On the OpenStreetMap wiki there is a list of example queries for the Overpass API (a tool to query OSM data). This one is my favorite

reshared this

My husband during sex will recite Churchill's speech to make him last longer, it does but now I picture Churchill on top of me and surprisingly it really dampens the mood.

Fun fact, Roughly 150 hours worth of work went into backup brain, plus another ~36 hours of work on the ruby Readability gem that I had to abandon.

that last bit was _really_ demoralizing.

in reply to masukomi

Sorry, no. Last time I used Readability in a product, which was several years ago, I used the Mozilla JS version directly.
in reply to Matt Campbell

As in, calling a Node.js subprocess from my main app, which happened to be Python.

Falls jemand diesen Beitrag eines seit seiner #covid Infektion schwer an #mecfs erkrankten Journalisten (Tim Braune) von vor einigen Wochen nicht mitbekommen hat, ich finde dass auch sein Beitrag zu dem Thema sehr deutlich und wichtig ist:…

@bagder not sure if it's just me, but i get an error when running this on windows (using official build):
.\curl-8.9.0_1-win64-mingw\bin\curl.exe -vL https://räksmörgå<br>

the error it shows is:
* closing connection #-1<br>curl: (3) URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL<br>

All right friends. Tell me about the Meta glasses. The good the bad and the ugly. Thinking about investing in a pair and I want to know as much info as I can before making a decision. :)

BREAKING: Schumer is moving to a floor vote on the dangerous and misguided Kids Online Safety Act.

Read why this bill is a danger to LGBTQ youth and human rights here:…

Tell your Senators to vote NO on #KOSA here:


I desperately want there to be a Council Simulator video game where you can plug in details from your local budget.

Super angry that rates have risen and you still have to pay for parking? Great, you have a go at removing parking fees and then seeing which services you have to cut to keep rates down.

Want to see your local playground upgraded? Cool, decide which other programs to cut or what the effects on rates are.


I'm excited, get to tinker with my new 8 GB BTSpeak today as it has arrived. I look forward to the larger battery especially, as preliminary testing on my partner's newer unit versus my own have yielded about a 50% increase in runtime between original units to the new ones. It's what I get for adopting early, but I also don't regret for helping to shape the product and information around it. Blazie Tech still deserves my kudos for getting this out the door in the first place on open hardware.

David Goldfield reshared this.

in reply to Tamas G

I’d rather not pay $1200 for something that feels as cheap as these apparently do, so I’ll keep waiting for newer models.
in reply to Tamas G

Oh cool, I didn't know we also get a larger battery!

Die Ersatzwinkel für den Griff zum Verriegeln des Fangkorbes werden den 30 Jahre alten #Rasenmäher wohl überleben 😃

yo i was scrollin the remote emojis and adding stuffffff to the instance ~ can anyone link me full sets for these?


in reply to Rachael Laura Arbor

I see celeste_hearts, neobot, Mutant Standard, and neocat. You can find credits for those on….

there’s also Baba Is You, and I don’t know the original creator of those emotes (I believe several people extended the pack).

Can Green Noise Help You Get Better Sleep? Here's What Science Says…

🐍🔐 Python lockfiles are back!

Read @brettcannon's new PEP 751 – "A file format to list Python dependencies for installation reproducibility":

Discuss it:…

#Python #lockfiles #PEP751

kolega z pivárne by mi povedal o 15 rokov menej... ukrajinečka by to mala počuť
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

For August, it’s time for our biggest monthly emote update yet, a week early!

Normally our monthly updates add 500-1,000 new emotes, but I got bored and added 11,419 new emotes. This more than doubles the emote count on this instance, mostly thanks to the Mutant Standard emote pack with 8,294 emotes (almost as many emotes as what we had in July!)

We now have 160 emote packs in all (141 packs excluding those with under 10 emotes). Our total emote count is 19,688 emotes, excluding six legacy name conflicts from years ago (11,394 emotes excluding Mutant Standard).

Expanded packs:

  • Added 28 spinny emotes :spinny_mouse:
  • Added 5 drgn emotes :drgn_sneaky:
  • Added 2 neofox emotes :neofox_flag_disabled:
  • Added 2 shitty logos :ffmpreg_horizontal:
  • Added 2 gayspers from pridemoji/ :Gaysper_Androgyne:
  • Added 1205 emotes to yinglets by including ying variants (myno, thio, yinglemon, and yinglime)! :myno_angel:

33 new packs:

  • 8,294 Mutant Standard emotes (excludes ms_robot, in its own “robomoji” pack) :ms_selfie_paw_c1:
  • 25 neobun emotes :neobun_enby:
  • 31 neocube emotes :neocube_nom_neocat:
  • 22 miffy emotes :miffy_sleep:
  • 378 neobot emotes :neobot_woem:
  • 19 CatPride emotes :catPride_bigender:
  • 127 frazzledbynn_pride emotes :bisexuality_octopus_blush:
  • 115 Girls Love emotes :girls2_big_hug:
  • 40 Fox emotes :fox_smug:
  • 40 raccoon emotes :raccoon_googly_blep:
  • 8 blobrat emotes :blobrat_pat:
  • 12 miiverse emotes :MiiVerse_woozy:
  • 153 gphn emotes :gphn_nom_waffle:
  • 12 Cortex Implant emotes :cyberheart_purple:
  • 36 blobika emotes :blobika_heart:
  • 30 panda emotes :panda_bath:
  • 40 Blob Wani emotes :blobwani_chef:
  • 35 Blob Tanuki emotes :blobtanuki_kirakira:
  • 8 Made in Abyss emotes :mitty_aww:
  • 31 Gekota emotes :gekota_magnate:
  • 70 blobcat_pndpnd emotes :blobcat_flowercrown:
  • 15 blobPebble emotes :blobPebble_fingerguns:
  • 22 pronouns emotes :it_its_cute:
  • 36 trigger warning emotes :content_warning_flashing_images:
  • 51 animated ASL emotes :asl_happy:
  • 8 TweFox emotes :TweFox_cyclops:
  • 31 pixel cats :pixel_cat_harestar_smile:
  • 155 pridemoji (excluding ghosts, which are dupes of the existing gaysper pack; extra ghosts added to Gaysper) :femboy-syringe:
  • 84 tinyfaces :tiny_blep:
  • 81 bluemoji :blueMoji_cant_unsee_this:
  • 104 pixel art emotes :pixel_interrobang: :pixel_studying:
  • 15 pentacles :pentacle_non_binary:
  • 55 shrimp :shrimp_trans:

Fixed packs:

I also rebuilt the original neocat, neofox, and drgn packs without any auto-cropping to make emotes line up better, all at 512x512 pixels (still large enough to look good enlarged in MFM but mostly well under 50kb after lossless compression). Proper alignment means you can do this properly:


I ensured all new emotes have unique descriptive names for searchability and non-visual users (except many color variations of part of the shrimp pack, which have number suffixes because I can’t name that many colors! :shrimp_30:). They’ve been losslessly compressed, stripped of non-color metadata, and downscaled if necessary. I upscaled some 32x32 pixel packs with simple nearest-neighbor upscaling to preserve the pixelation. Credits are in the envs pleroma-custom README.

“19,688 emotes should be enough for anybody”


This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Seirdy reshared this.

in reply to Seirdy

one day the pleroma devs will receive a bug report "emoji picker has performance issues on instance with 20k emojis". I look forward to that day
in reply to Linus :blobcatpenguin:

@linus Already happened on Enafore, which now has much faster emote selection! I’m not too fond of Akko-FE personally.

I really don't think Microsoft gets enough hate for not giving security providers the tools necessary to implement EDR capabilities outside of kernel mode. If one company is messing around in your kernel, their software architecture is flawed. If every company is messing around in your kernel, your software architecture is flawed.

Nobody just wakes up one day and goes "you know what would be fun? Maintaining a stable and reliable driver for 500 different versions of the Windows Kernel".

Why do ducks make great detectives? They always quack the case.