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"The thing that nobody tells you is that you can buy a real human skull online (shoutout to We did that, and then CT scanned it."


I must say, going into the business of selling real human skulls, and then deciding on as a domain is a particular kind of person.

I want to meet this person (under the promise they wont do anything to my currently-in-use skull)

This triggers me so hard.

(Both, that here are two versions of the same resource online, and that they use different dashes in the navigation.)

If not already done, create your account on the European Parliament's portal and don't miss this one : Petition No 0729/2024 by N. W. (Austrian) on the implementation of an EU-Linux operating system in public administrations across all EU countries
Home | PETI | Committees | European Parliament…

Elwood Edwards, Voice of AOL's 'You've Got Mail,' Dead at 74…

in reply to Ben

Reminds me of the story of a father / daughter conversation:

Dad: "Today is Presidents Day, do you know what that is?”

Daughter: “Yes. If the President comes out and sees his own shadow, we'll have four more years of this bullshit.”

#curl is now officially running more than 200 CI jobs per PR.

Most of them run about 2000 tests each.

Almost 400K test runs in total.

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

So you have push only set up for master? Meaning, if you don't open a PR for a feature branch, no builds are executed?
in reply to Lukas

@darkcisum we don't do feature branches, or rather they don't need to run any tests until they become a PR

Good morning my friends. It is coffee O'clock, and three scoops have been sivved through the filter into a 12-cup pot. It is now time to pour the first of many cups to come.

Best Operating Systems for the Raspberry Pi…

The Mozilla Blog: Help us improve our alt text generation model…

The Mozilla Blog: We asked why you love Firefox. Here’s what you said.…

8 Surprising Ways to Repurpose an Old Raspberry Pi…

Lenovo Exec Ada Lopez Talks Product Diversity Office, Accessibility, Bettering Society In Interview…

Due to technical problems, uploading images with MapComplete is not possible right now. We are working on a fix.

Two Classic Doctor Who Stories Starring Tom Baker’s Fourth Doctor Disappear From BBC iPlayer…

-Perdona, no me enteré que me llamaste porque tenía el móvil en "modo Mazón".

dostal som päťku z Informatiky a neviem alebo nepamätám si z čoho/prečo, to bude omyl :kekw:
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

Angličtinu mám odovzdať do nedele si myslím (myslím si to preto že to mám odovzdať do konca prvého novembrového týždňa, ale čo je prvý novembrový týždeň? bol do minulej nedele alebo je prvý nov. týždeň až do tejto?)

edit: to bol prvý víkend nie týždeň

This entry was edited (5 minutes ago)

in reply to Archos

@archos no furt to stejné, ale u mám bublinu vypuštěnou a plíci znova nafouknutou, tak to snad bude v pořádku...

Finde es ja ein wenig nervig, jetzt hier aus allen Ecken zu lesen, wie doof es doch ist, als Politiker auf X stattzufinden. Stellt sich heraus, dass Wahlkampf auf Mastodon alleine echt witzlos ist, wenn man potenziell über 80.000.000 Menschen erreichen muss. Face it: Die meisten Menschen sind auf den großen, kommerziellen Plattformen unterwegs und beziehen ihre Inhalte auch dort. Kann man aus verschiedenen Gründen kacke finden, ist angesichts der Ausgangssituation aber vielleicht gerade mal egal, dass nicht das eigene Lieblingsnetzwerk benutzt wird. Am Ende gehq es um Öffentlichkeit und die findet hier nicht ansatzweise groß genug statt und wird es vielleicht auch nie. Denkbar ungünstig also für jemanden der Kanzler werden möchte.
in reply to FediVerseExplorer

@fexplorer Und wie viele Beispiele kennst du sonst noch aus dem Bauch heraus, bei denen es so ist? Mir fällt ehrlich keins ein und bei Trump liegt es vermutlich daran, weil es die Spirale des Irrsinns lustig weiter dreht, seine merkwürdigen Theorien von dort zu zitieren.

Get this new handbook and maximise your #LibreOffice Writer efficiency!… #foss #OpenSource

📢 New job opportunity!

Would you like to support the team building a cutting-edge electronic signature system used throughout the EU Institutions, Bodies and Agencies? 👨‍💻

Check out our new #vacancy and apply 👉!fyrdvn… #kexp
This entry was edited (1 hour ago)
in reply to SuspiciousDuck…

I will be watching @fielding face carefully when the HTTP workshop will talk about resumable uploads next week.