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Tired of big tech companies mishandling your data? Switch to my favorite email provider, @Tutanota , for top-notch #security and #privacy protection. Your data is safe with them! 🔐💻
in reply to uon

Thanks for the mention ❤️ Happy encrypting!

The true horror of the Nazi regime was not the hateful rhetoric, the atrocities committed or the death toll of the war, it's the fact that ordinary citizens just went along with it even if they weren't themselves evil. Something we should all think about in 2024.

I’m happy to see that the GOV.UK Service Manual’s “Building a robust frontend using progressive enhancement” page was updated this week and made it to the top of Hacker News today. The technology industry would collectively save unimaginable quantities of time, money, energy and stress if this single page were required reading for everyone involved in building a web site.…

Ok, apple, when I've swiped down to delete after choosing edit in any given folder and highlighted an app to get rid of, I don't need you trying to convince me that I'd be better off simply moving it off my home screen instead. When I choose to delete an app, I've done that for a reason, said reason being that I want to, you know, delete the app. Ok, rant mode disengaged.
in reply to Steve Mann

is it really that bad now? It used to just be a different option in the dialog
in reply to aaron

@fireborn It's still an option in the dialogue, but an option that doesn't need to be there when you've selected delete. You've gone to all the effort of going that far, so why should it second guess your intensions? If they want an option to remove an app from your home screen without deleting it, why not have it as a separate option from delete in the edit options?

I ran UnixBench (…) on my new Quartz64 SBC (RK3566 SoC, quad-core ARM Cortex-A55 CPU, 4 GB RAM, 64 GB eMMC). I ended up running it four times, with different settings of the Linux CPU frequency governor. Here are the results, in the order that I obtained them:

1. schedutil (default):…
2. performance:…
3. powersave:…
4. schedutil again:…


in reply to Matt Campbell

I forgot to mention, this is on Debian 12 (bookworm), using the Debian generic ARM64 kernel (currently 6.1.0-27-arm64). It's nice that this SBC has decent support in the mainline kernel, at least for the functionality I currently need. 4/?
in reply to Matt Campbell

I'm going to boot my M1 Mac mini into Linux (Fedora Asahi Remix), run UnixBench there with the different CPU frequency governors, and see what the results look like. I'm sure the M1 is in a different performance category than the RK3566, though they're both ARM64.

BTW, this is an improvised thread, not an artificially split-up long post. 5/?

AzuraCast 0.20.3 is now on the Stable release channel. This version includes improvements to the AutoDJ scheduler, playlist priorities, the ability for system admins to set maximum bitrates for stations, and many bug fixes and tweaks.

This is the last stable release that will be on Liquidsoap 2.2.x. Now that this release is out, our Rolling Release will be a test platform for 2.3.x, which has reached a stable Release Candidate stage. Help us test this new version if you can!

Máte vy nebo někdo ve vašem okolí (defaultně) aktivní Mobile Advertising ID? Pak počítejte s tím, že jste díky němu sledováni a tato data si může někdo koupit. Využití je mnoho...

#soukromí #kybez - #Google a #Apple v roli pasáků…

in reply to Jan Korbel 🇨🇿 🐧

Navazuji na včerejší tip.

Tady je porovnání iPhone a různých odnoží Androidu. Většina lidí má "Android" - distribuci plnou šmírovátek od Google obohacenou o bloatware výrobce, který nejen že šmíruje po svém, ale často zavléká bezpečnostní chyby, zabírá místo v úložišti i RAM.

V GrapheneOS mimo jiné vůbec není položka "Reklama" s Mobile Advertising ID.


#soukromí #kybez #Google #Apple #grapheneos

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