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Clavicula is a hidden gem of a 3D editor, featuring various techniques, ranging from SDF modeling to high-poly sculpting.

A new version has just been released, with some pretty cool new stuff:


Clavicula is free, and available for Windows, Linux and macOS…


#design #artwork #sculpture #3DModeling #digital #DigitalArt #art #arts #arte #artist #artists #GraphicDesign #3D #clavicula #SDF #CreativeToots #FediArt #MastoArt #ArtistsOnMastodon

in reply to Metin Seven 🎨

It looks impressive for a one developer project. However the mac binary is not signed, so it's hard to try it.
in reply to Martin Wenisch

@mwenisch That's a pity. What exactly makes it hard to try? Do you get several nags before it runs? I've been away from macOS for years now, but I've read here and there that their "security measures" have gone a bit off the rails these days.
in reply to Metin Seven 🎨

You can't run it without disabling the security completely (expert level in terminal).

When the author pays Apples $99/year fee they will be able to sign it and then it'll be just the soft warning (downloaded from Internet) where user can open the app in the end.

in reply to Martin Wenisch

@mwenisch Thanks for the info. "Amaaazing" how Apple always knows how to earn money from every possible angle. This is a one-man personal project, and he gives it away for free, so I don't think he will pay Apple $ 99 per year for that.
in reply to Metin Seven 🎨

It's same for Windows application, you need the most expensive trusted certificate on a physical medium to sign Windows binaries to avoid the"dangerous app warning".

On Windows it's just not that strict. Yet.

I did both and Widnows is more expensive and more painful to release software.

in reply to Martin Wenisch

I assume you only need to pay Microsoft if you publish your app via the Windows app store? I can effortlessly run trivial Windows executables I downloaded from the internet.

One warning message is OK, but I'd hate having to go into a terminal to shut down security on a deep level, just to be able to run something.

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