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I won a contest @libreoffice held, and I got all this KILLER LibreOffice swag from them.

I've used LibreOffice for so many years, from back in the mid 2000s when it was OpenOffice. It's better than Microsoft Office. It's totally free and open source, and you don't have to be logged in like you do now with Office.

Try it out if you haven't, you won't regret it.

#LibreOffice #OpenSource #FOSS

in reply to Jake in the desert

so I’ve tried it on and off since it was Open Office. Just downloaded it and unfortunately its UI is lifted from MS Office. Mainly scatter-shot of every function you may need in two rows of buttons across the top all demanding the same attention with little differentiation beyond the skeuomorphic item itself. Anecdotally I’ve used MS Office for 30 years and still have issues finding the thing I need.

As a note I do UX for a living.

in reply to DaveKaz

@fistfulofdave 😂 does have a Microsoft-y feel now, yeah. And same, I've used it since OpenOffice. But it's such bs that Microsoft wants to charge for Office now, this laptop I've used for 5+ years that I paid for this version of Windows 10 then that was installed on it - no way am I paying Microsoft for Word or Excel. And LibreOffice is so similar, I don't need it for crazy complex things on my personal laptop. Just basic word processing and spreadsheet stuff. So it's nice. But yeah, the UI is very reminiscent hahaha
in reply to Jake in the desert

oh if I’m choosing between MS Office and LibreOffice I’m using the latter. Now I use the Apple Equivalent to these, and for me the interface is much better. Now I can use the Apple suite for work as I can import and export to MS Office, seems LibreOffice only imports or am I missing something?
in reply to DaveKaz

@fistfulofdave LibreOffice can definitely save in .docx format (and many others). BTW, did you try the tabbed version of the user interface? (Under the menu, View > User Interface). Feel free to also let our @libodesign community know your feedback!