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There seems to be a bug in newer versions of either Chromium or Electron, which makes it announce an app running under it to be in English. The consequence, VoiceOver on the Mac speaks everything in English, even if the UI is clearly in German, and the app itself recognizes that my system locale is set to German. Two apps that are affected by it are Signal and Skype. And guess what, many of the contacts on there chat with me in German, which makes reading their messages rather difficult. I really wish Signal would port their iPad app to the Mac instead of throwing that stupid web app at us Mac Silicon users. The dependency on at least two different beasts under the hood of the UI which is the reality of Electron apps, is just an accessibility nightmare through and through.

#a11y #WebDev #Electron #Signal #Skype

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in reply to Marco Zehe

Are you not able to override the language with VoiceOver, providing the speech and braille language explicitly? It's certainly not ideal, but I turn off language detection and add language-specific voices to the rotor on iOS for that very reason.
in reply to Timothy Wynn

@twynn This is possible on iOS, but MacOS VoiceOver is a completely different beast in the language detection department.
in reply to Marco Zehe

That really is a shame, as you would think productivity and usability would be better on the Mac vs. iOS, so they would have made those customization options early on.
in reply to Timothy Wynn

@twynn Nope, in many regards, VoiceOver on iOS is the better screen reader. Has been for years.