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Items tagged with: Electron

Context: if you follow #deltachat_desktop discussions on the #deltachat forum you might already know that we're planning to move #deltachat_desktop from #electron to #tauri in the future. But porting the desktop client is a big effort (our move to #jsonrpc was one step into this direction).
So I made this small sample project to check tauri out.
It's a nice side effect if the emoji picker is useful by itself, maybe we could even build a community for the emoji picker.

@Arkadiusz Świętnicki 🇨🇳 @Kat Moss #Pinafore is not #Electron based. It's single page web app best used in your browser. This one is really clever, simple and accessible. It's not bloatware either.

A Letter to # for not Supporting the # Desktop

I rewrote the whole article because I sounded extremely rude before. It's not nice to be rude to developers, whether you like them or not; whether the application is open source or not. Hopefully this revision is respectful and doesn't sound like I am shaming them.

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